Ya think these were Moose-limbs or what?

Whatever these guys are, stupid ranks pretty high up there in the catalog of their sterling qualities. Which, of course, leads me to believe that the liklihood they are from a cult of illiterate/subliterate morons (AKA, Muslims) is pretty darned close to 100%. (And yeh, I know the article simply calls them “pirates” but given their locale and behavior, it’s not a big leap to conjecture that they are members of a cult of illiterate/subliterate morons, now, is it?)

h.t. Cathouse Chat

Thanks for all the fish!

Every now and then, I get to meet a very amusing troll. Over the last week, I have had the distinct pleasure of interacting with three: two in comments here and another troll on an email list. (Nope. Not ID-ing the list. A few of y’all will know. Keep it to yourselves. I’m milking this one for laughs offlist, OK?)

They provide me with enormous entertainment with their unintended verbal slapstick routines. Idiots can be sooooo funny! I am so blessed.

One of them (the brighter of the three, who shall go unidentified, cos I want him to keep up the unintentional humor of his argumentum ad ignorantium style) recently signed me up for a whole raft of email lists. As usual, he has no idea how obviously transparent he was in signing me up, or how easy it is for me to filter alla that crap (in fact, Opera had already filtered the “confirmation emails” as SPAM, according to my filter rules and its built-in rules).


Dumbasses can be soooo entertaining! I dunno, I just learned years ago that (after giving them one or three chances to prove that stupidity is not their only option, just the one they prefer) ridiculing and laughing at dumbasses is one of the most pleasant diversions around…

Ahhh! Life is a big suck on a sweet orange!

Rejoicing at Conservative Cat (Sorry about the scare, Bruce. Not my fault. I wasn’t there. I have witnesses.)

This just in (from the email dumbass), in response to me thanking him for being such a hilarious joke, just by existing:

“the funniest thing is, you don’t even know that YOUR the joke.”

*LOL* another great piece of unintended humor. First, the dumbass tries to say, in effect, “Oh, yeh, well you too,” in typical schoolyard manner. And just to illustrate he’s never gotten beyond third grade, he mistakes the second person possessive pronoun “your” for the contraction “you’re” (“you are”).

Ahhh, the endless entertainment afforded by subliterate morons!

Thanks again, dumbass for proving yourself to be the joke you are. Life is sweet!

News From Iraq and My Thoughts

This morning I started to write a post over at The Real Ugly American just linking to a couple of my favorite bloggers T.F. Boggs who interviews one of his fellow soldiers in Iraq and Treasure of Baghdad who details how his family prepared for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They are both intense examples of what is really happening in Iraq, I strongly recomend you read them.

But then something strange happened. As I started to type I found myself writing words of encouragement to my friend at Treasure of Baghdad. It was obvious from his post and some of his other recent posts that the war is taking a toll on him and his family. I thought I would share my thoughts with you as well.

 To my friend Treasure of Baghdad I can only offer hope for the future and these words of solidarity and encouragement as I know more people he cares about will suffer and die before this war is over.

We are not ignoring you any longer my friend. Continue reading “News From Iraq and My Thoughts”

It’s still our country…

…so far. But it won’t be “America” long if we’re complacent.

Here’s a call to action on one front in the war to conquer America; a war in which the forces of Reconquista have allies in… Congress. From Euphoric Reality, this Guard the Borders blogburst:


On Thursday, March 16, the Senate Judiciary Committee told their staff to meet behind closed doors to construct an immigration bill that would include provisions from the Kennedy-McCain bill. Known as S. 1033, the McCain-Kennedy bill includes an amnesty for illegal aliens, a massive “guest” worker program that leads to citizenship, and an estimated one million additional permanent immigrants each year.

Millions of illegals to become citizens?
Kennedy-McCain immigration reform bill likely to pass Senate committee after recess

A bill that would give millions of illegal aliens in the United States the opportunity to earn citizenship is closer to becoming law today as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee signaled likely passage of a proposal by Sens. Edward Kenney, D-Mass., and John McCain, R-Ariz.

Though a committee vote will not be held until after a week-long congressional recess, likely March 27, committee members appeared ready to back the Kennedy-McCain bill.

The votes are there,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.

Congress is working to pass a reform bill that includes enforcement, a policy on dealing with illegals already in the country and a guest-worker program pushed by President Bush.

Under the legislation, illegal aliens in the United States would obtain six-year nonimmigrant visas under which they could work in the country and travel outside the country. The aliens would have to pay a $1,000 fine and undergo background checks.

After six years, the aliens would be able to meet certain requirements and then apply for a green card, or permanent residency.

Besides voting on the bill after the recess, committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said the panel also would vote on a bill by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., that would give illegal aliens up to five years to leave the U.S. After returning home, they could then apply to return, either as temporary workers or for permanent residency.

“Our intention is not to strand anyone outside the country,” Kyl said, according to an AP report. But he asserted the McCain-Kennedy plan would give an illegal alien allowed to stay and work in the country a “huge advantage” over a person having to wait for years in his or her own country for a green card.

The McCain-Kennedy bill would start off with offering 400,000 of the new visas.

Continue reading “It’s still our country…”

Most under-read blogs/ Monday Open Post

Yeh, yeh: an open trackback post. Link to this post and track back.

Now, on to “most under-read blogs”—IMO.

I’ll try to remember to feature one under-read blog a week on Monday. Now, the blog featured might be relatively new, might have been around a while, might have two or three readers a day or two or three thousand readers a day. My criteria won’t be concerned with actual numbers of readers as of this time, but with the number of readers who IMO ought to be flocking to the blog. IOW, the site features great blogging that deserves the widest audience possible.

And I’ll only mention one a week, ‘K?

Here’s this week’s: Imagine Kitty. Mark’s site is a joy to behold. It’s beautifully designed and easy to read. So there’s nothing to make getting to the content difficult or painful.

And the content. *sigh* From his series, “Why I am the way I am” (See Part I and Part II) to his blogging tips (see his posts on a WordPress trackback issue) and his interpretation (with examples) of Samantha Burns’ blogging commandments, Mark’s posts exhibit a range and quality that really deserve all the readership he can get, IMO.

Drop by any of the posts linked for a taste. You’ll find it’s like eating peanuts: ya can’t eat (read) just one.

As I said, Open Trackback Post. Link this post and track back–and note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Yeh, even though I plug the thing four times a week and include the graphic and link in my sidebar, it looks like I’ll never make the “honor roll” there again, for some reason. But check out Linkfest Haven, anyway. The “honor roll” is fulla other good blogs, in any case.

Yeh, I updated a bit. Here’s another bit of updating. I kinda like Beth’s lil disclamer for Open Posts:

Disclaimer: trackbacks to this post do not necessarily represent the opinions or standards of the Blue Star Chronicles.

It’s not quite got a third world county flavor, though. So, here’s my third world county disclaimer:

Most of the folks who will leave trackbacks to third world county are good folks with something intelligent to say. But here may be a very few asshats who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag and who post ridiculously stupid, irresponsible or outright *cough* faux liberal loony left moonbat fantasies. That’s all right, really, cos I believe helping them exercise their right to speak freely and publish their dumbass quasi-thoughts is the right thing to do. After all, it provides me with more material for belly laughs. If someone links here with something libelous, that’s their lookout. I can’t vet their stuff for them, so caveat emptor, OK?

But still, almost all the linked material will be from good folks who will give you hours of reading pleasure and stimulate your thinking. That is if enough folks get offa their hineys and trackback some good stuff like Beth has…