Most under-read blogs/ Monday Open Post

Yeh, yeh: an open trackback post. Link to this post and track back.

Now, on to “most under-read blogs”—IMO.

I’ll try to remember to feature one under-read blog a week on Monday. Now, the blog featured might be relatively new, might have been around a while, might have two or three readers a day or two or three thousand readers a day. My criteria won’t be concerned with actual numbers of readers as of this time, but with the number of readers who IMO ought to be flocking to the blog. IOW, the site features great blogging that deserves the widest audience possible.

And I’ll only mention one a week, ‘K?

Here’s this week’s: Imagine Kitty. Mark’s site is a joy to behold. It’s beautifully designed and easy to read. So there’s nothing to make getting to the content difficult or painful.

And the content. *sigh* From his series, “Why I am the way I am” (See Part I and Part II) to his blogging tips (see his posts on a WordPress trackback issue) and his interpretation (with examples) of Samantha Burns’ blogging commandments, Mark’s posts exhibit a range and quality that really deserve all the readership he can get, IMO.

Drop by any of the posts linked for a taste. You’ll find it’s like eating peanuts: ya can’t eat (read) just one.

As I said, Open Trackback Post. Link this post and track back–and note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Yeh, even though I plug the thing four times a week and include the graphic and link in my sidebar, it looks like I’ll never make the “honor roll” there again, for some reason. But check out Linkfest Haven, anyway. The “honor roll” is fulla other good blogs, in any case.

Yeh, I updated a bit. Here’s another bit of updating. I kinda like Beth’s lil disclamer for Open Posts:

Disclaimer: trackbacks to this post do not necessarily represent the opinions or standards of the Blue Star Chronicles.

It’s not quite got a third world county flavor, though. So, here’s my third world county disclaimer:

Most of the folks who will leave trackbacks to third world county are good folks with something intelligent to say. But here may be a very few asshats who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag and who post ridiculously stupid, irresponsible or outright *cough* faux liberal loony left moonbat fantasies. That’s all right, really, cos I believe helping them exercise their right to speak freely and publish their dumbass quasi-thoughts is the right thing to do. After all, it provides me with more material for belly laughs. If someone links here with something libelous, that’s their lookout. I can’t vet their stuff for them, so caveat emptor, OK?

But still, almost all the linked material will be from good folks who will give you hours of reading pleasure and stimulate your thinking. That is if enough folks get offa their hineys and trackback some good stuff like Beth has…

16 Replies to “Most under-read blogs/ Monday Open Post”

  1. Your disclaimer is a disgrace to the ranks of fascist right-winger skinheads comprising the rightwing b’sphere. How dare yougive ’em free space. You should torch the asshats. >]:-(

    Second thought: I think I might borrow it this week. ;-D

  2. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  3. I heartly recommend reading TMH’s Bacon Bits “Anti-Union Rant?”

    I?d hardly call ths a rant. From my perspective it is ?spot on target.!? It is so well written that it needs far more public exposure. Thanks.

    ?I never did give them hell. I just told the truth,
    and they thought it was hell.?
    ??Harry Truman

  4. Pingback: Church and State
  5. Pingback: Stuck On Stupid
  6. Pingback: Random Yak
  7. Pingback: ★imaginekitty★

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