Pardon my French

(from O.Fr. pissier “urinate”)

Damned supercilious, holier-than-thou, busybodies are starting to royally piss me off. First they came for our booze. When THAT worked out so very well, they decided no one was doing right by “the poor.” Now that The Great Society has proven to be such a rousing success*cough* the damned supercilious, holier-than-thou, busybodies have set their sights on punishing hard work.

What is wrong with these idiots? Not content with fostering the ascendency of the Mafia, ruining generations of (primarily) black families with their poverty plantations—and, oh, BTW also denying smokers the reasonable freedom to imbibe in a legal substance, while taxing their use of that substance all out of proportion to its harmful effects—they have now decided that hard work is evil and should be controlled by placing a greater tax burden on those who, uhm, work hard.


Would someone tell these Academia Nuts that it’s the hard-working, productive citizens that support their ability to sit on their hinky white asses and write stupid “reports”? Yeh, yeh, I know that “Joel B. Slemrod Ph.D.” wrote the report, but the no doubt white-as-snow ‘U-M Office of Tax Policy Research” office issued the damned thing.

Oh, and note the typical Academia Nut arrogance: Slemrod apparently wrote the press release—in a third person voice—quoting himself throughout as though he had been interviewed by a third party. It’s how these things are done, you know.


Spraying piss and vinegar all over the place at The Real Ugly American and The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.