Can someone—anyone—explain this to me?

I don’t check the TTLB game all that often. It’s mostly an insiders game with little point but bragging rights among a very small portion of the blogosphere. Yeh, that’s right: Technorati does a moderately decent (sometimes) job of tracking more than 20,000,000 blogs—dead and alive. The TTLB ecosystem tracks what, about 50,000? A small number, in any case.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the TTLB Ecosystem’s a bad game, and it does seem to track links among the blogs it tracks more quickly than Technorati. And in fact, the TTLB thing can be quite useful finding folks who link to me, so I can go check out what they are doing on their blogs (I feel it’s only right that I do so when I can, cos, after all, they did link to me, right?). And Technorati, possibly because of its size, is much less responsive to inquiries about problems—or at least it has been in my case.

Be that as it may, TTLB is mostly a pissing game* that does have some very useful features, and every now and then I check my “ranking” on the way to seeing who TTLB says is linking to me.

And then I also sometimes check the Ecosystem’s front page to see where buds at STACLU or some such are floating.

OK, so ‘splains me this:



do you yahoo?!?!?!

CLUE: It’s. Not. A. Blog.


*You guys remember the pissing game from grade school, right? Oh, and those of you guys who never matured beyond gradeschool probably played it in high school, too. *sigh* Hope you aren’t still stuck in grade school immaturity, though… Anyway, it is a simple game: who can piss the farthest/longest/highest. That’s all. Whoop-dee-do.

Scratchin’ my head at MacBros Place.

Don’t Try This at Home, Kids!

OK, I must confess. This recipe is NOT mine; I have NOT even tried it. I post it here in the honest attempt to sucker one of y’all, my faithful readers, into trying it and reporting back (or your heirs reporting back) concerning its edibility… and possible toxicity.


Note that I HAVE warned you. What you do with the following information is ENTIRELY on your own head!


1 stalk celery, coarsely chopped
1 med. carrot, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp. chopped onion
3/4 c. water
2 chicken flavored or beef flavored bouillon cubes
2 c. water, divided
1/2 c. creamy peanut butter
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1/2 c. half and half
Chopped peanuts (doesn’t saw raw or roasted, so I assume raw–ed.)
Carrot strips, optional

Combine first 4 ingredients in a saucepan; cover and cook over low heat 10 minutes or until tender. Add bouillon cubes and 1 1/2 cup water, cook, uncovered, until cubes dissolve. Pour mixture into container of an electric blender, and add peanut butter and pepper; process until smooth. Return the mixture to saucepan.

Combine cornstarch and remaining 1/2 cup water, stirring until blended; stir into soup mixture. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low, and cook 1 minute. Stir in half and half; cook over low heat, uncovered, stirring constantly, until thoroughly heated. If desired, garnish individual servings with carrot strips and chopped peanuts. Makes 3 servings, 1 cup each.


There are lots more (and weirder) Peanut Soup recipes at that site, and no you do NOT get to ask why I was looking for “peanut butter soup”. It’s personal, private and embarrassing.

So there.

(And no, it’s not about what you think. Just cos I added the category “SEX!” in order to see if some dummies searching for “Hot monkey peanut soup sex” would turn up on my stats page, it doesn’t mean “personal, private and embarrassing” refers to that. So get your minds outa the gutter, ‘K?)

The Aliens Among Us

No, this is not a Guard the Borders post about illegal aliens crossing our borders and living in our midst, sucking the life from a rule of law. This is about something else.

I was just a young lad when the reality that most folks who crawl behind the wheel of a car seem to crawl back, mentally, into the primordial ooze and begin evidencing the intelligence of single-celled organisms. That’s when our next-door neighbor decided to turn around in her seat to remostrate with a child while she was driving, assuring that her only real accomplishment would not be correcting her child but putting me in the hospital for more than a month (with more hospital stays later for other painful and frightening operations and procedures) by propelling me off my bicycle at a large fraction of her vehicle’s speed when she drove off the road…

While laying there in hospital, I was propelled during long nights of intimate aquaintance with pain… and those delightful pain meds, to begin an earlier than would probably have been normal foray into abstract thought. Particularly, I sent a lot of time thinking about death and what might come after.

Now, for a young boy, that might seem a little out of place, but pain was a frequent reminder—along with all those oh-so-helpful visitors—of Death’s kiss on my cheek. And so I thought of eternity, and eternity of nothingness or an eternity of life in heaven as promised by my church.

Neither were particularly comforting stacked up against the idea of forever.

I’d like to think that those days and weeks spent contemplating death and life, foreverness or nothingness propelled me into becoming a “deep thinker” but that’s not the case. All that experience did teach me is that this life I now live is going to end. What comes after is an eternity of something, and whatever that something is, it will be profoundly other than this life now.

And that the end of this life I now live is inevitable.

So, while I can be frightened in the sense of being startled or being threatened with harm, being frightened of death itself has become, over all the years since contemplating the discomforting nature of eternity, not such a big deal.

And maybe that makes me an alien of sorts among most folk.

Continue reading “The Aliens Among Us”

On “Leaving the Drawbridge Down”

While I don’t buy all of his argument, William S. Lind has a point (or three),

To understand the Left’s insistence on leaving the drawbridge down, one has to know what “Political Correctness” and “multi-culturalism” really are. They are code words for the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, the Marxist think tank that, beginning around 1930, undertook the intellectually difficult task of translating Marxism from economic into cultural terms (it had to break with both Moscow and Marx on some important points to do it.) Cultural Marxism’s purpose is the destruction of Western culture and the Christian religion. Any ally helpful in reaching those goals is to be welcomed, including allies who would slit the cultural Marxists’ own throats. So long as the West can be brought down, any price is worth paying.

From faux liberal congresscritters to Academia Nuts, Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Podpeople (Oh! My!), the thirst for the death of the West is palpable. America, at least, needs to wake up and smell the stench of the plague-ridden corpses of Marx and Engel dragged into our “castle” by the traitors in our midst.

Just a happy thought for Friday…

Shouting “Raise the drawbridge” at Basil’s Blog.

Roundup and Weekend OTA Open Trackbacks

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Yeh, this is a roundup of posts and articles that have caught my interest this week, as well as an open trackback post ALL WEEKEND LONG. Link this post and track back—N.B. SpamKarma 2 flags trackbacks that do not link as spam, so don’t blame me if your tb doesn’t show up. It also sometimes registers a few false positives, so I still eyeball things and do restore tbs when I think SK2 is wrong.

Enough of that. Here’s my roundup of SOME of the posts and articles that have caught my eye recently.

Continue reading “Roundup and Weekend OTA Open Trackbacks”