A Day Late 50¢ Short

I had intended to feature another “under read blog” yesterday and let things get away from me. Consider this a “Monday Most Under Read Blogs” post, anyway, ‘K?

Now, note the criteria: blogs that are easy to read for at least 2 reasons: easy-on-the-eyes design and interesting, well-written posts. By “under read” I’m not evaluating the blog’s traffic, just saying that IMO whether the blog has 1 reader a day or 10,000 readers a day, it deserves more traffic, eh?

So, who to pick on this week? (Lotsa candidates, ya know–lots).

I’m going to go with Freedom Watch this week. At first Doll’s spare layout may seem to some to be a little bland, but *ahhh!* easy-on-the-eyes, and her blog design, from plenty of white space to the little touches like the drop shadow behind pics, all make a harmonious sight to behold, and do nothing to detract from why I visit: to read Doll’s posts.

Like this one on the progress of Reconquista, or this one, “Idiots and Puppets”.

Give Doll’s blog a read. You’ll likely place her on your list of regular reads, too.

Stuck in traffic Outside the Beltway

Old Enough/Tuesday Open Post

I’ve been way too slow in responding to AbbaGav’s post Keeping up with what’s current in music. Sorry, bubba, I’ll just plead Early (or maybe not so early any more :-)) Oldtimers’ Disease.

The mp3 below is from the album pictured here. Buy the album for a critique of pop music that extends beyond just the mp3 I have posted… way beyond.

And just cos I didn’t get a rise outa anyone when I posted this yesterday, I’m re-dating it and making it an Open Post. Link to this post and trackback.


Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven


Old Enough