*shaking head in disbelief*

Seems this is my day for rants…

America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. Gotta love it.

Example: the local mom n pop “baling wire and chewing gum” telco that serves 2.5 communities with 2 exchanges (yeh, it’s long distance to call between the two exchanges, and “.5” cos one of the communities is so small it doesn’t even have a post office), has offered “DSL” service for a coupla years now. Really, it only offers ADSL, but who’s quibbling?

But catch this: the cable tv company I have basic tv service through (I qualify by about 150′–that much further west and I’d be “outside the service area”) offers broadband access as well. Here’s a brief rundown:

Continue reading “*shaking head in disbelief*”

“Ranting and raving and throwing of food…”

“Thou shalt not suffer a fool gladly, for anst thou dost, he shall surely breed, and thou shalt find thyself up to thine *** in fools.”

Some of y’all read and responded to my post about a dipwad who was too lazy, stupid or just plain inconsiderate in his approach to leaving an email list he’d subscribed to.

That’s all over, now. But it did prick me to look at something I’ve not checked into for some time: Email etiquette “rules”.

As to what I refer to as “tough love–or maybe not so loving” emails, this lil excerpt from an article on the subject caught my eye:

Continue reading ““Ranting and raving and throwing of food…””

Time for a coffee transfusion

No, I did not mean “infusion” cos I sincerely believe coffee is the Lifeblood of Sanity… at least today.

I was moving so slowly my Wonder Woman asked me if I was stuck in a black hole. Yeh. I feel like I have my head so far up my…

OK, time for another cuppa joe. Days like today are THE reminder of why I wrote this

“Confession is good for the soul and bad for the reputation,” is one of my Wonder Woman’s favorite sayings. So? Confessing my mental state at Conservative Cat, where at least Bruce has Ferdy to keep him compos mentis, even during a high fever… and at Median Sib, cos she sounds about as understanding as my Wonder Woman, Mrs. Librarian Lady, as she recounts A Day in the Life of a Reading Teacher.

Short Roundup/Tuesday Open Post

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Here’s a short roundup of a few posts that are in the “must read” category:

Woody (Woody’s News and Views) pointed out Emperor Misha’s “We Need to Stop Playing at War“. Well, we do, and his post points out salient reasons why. Read it.

Wittingshire has Boys and Bikinis, of which Lovely Daughter said, “That post is beyond adorable! I agree with the boy.” I dunno about the “adorable” part. The boy referred to might not appreciate that, but she’s on target about the rest… 🙂


I’m very glad I don’t need The Evangelical Outpost’s advice on “How to Get Rid of a Stoner Son“… but if you do, I think It Could Work!

On a serious note, Blonde Sagacityâ„¢ writes about a major humanitarian problem directly related to illegal aliens in “A Rape Tree Grows Out West“. Read it, and let yourself experience some righteous anger.

Polemiken offers “Manifest?” Money quote, from Wafa Sultan:

Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.

Romeocat has a powerful post at CatHouse Chat: Oh, Yes! Strong stuff, R’Cat. Strong.

Finally, turning to the absurd, once again I urge you to CLICK and contemplate the horror of Alien Cow Abductions. (No, not the abductions of alien cows, silly.)

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