My Epitaph

Thanks to Boudicca for spurring me to let my family know what to put on my “grave marker”—a stick-on label saying,

In this mason jar are the cremains of The Black Knight of America’s Third World Countyâ„¢

“‘Tis but a scratch.”

(Oh, btw, maybe my family would play at least the Black Knight scene from “Search for the Holy Grail” at a wake or something, in my remembrance, as it were… invincible.mp3)

It’s done.

Whoever visited from “ (”, you were my 50,000th “unique visitor” (excluding, as far as possible search engine crawlers and myself) since I started keeping track around the end of March 2005.

Thanks. Now I can stop checking Statcounter daily, as I have for the past several days. 50,000 “unique pairs of eyeballs” (insofar as the technology available to me can determine) isn’t all that much, I know, and, given the best info I have, translates to somewhere between seven and eight times as many “hits” in that time frame. Still not a huge number.

But, it’s certainly more than I would have expected, given the often iconoclastic, irascible, and sometimes downright weird nature of this blog. (Did I say weird? But one contrast will suffice: what other blog do you know that would feature not only Mohammed in a pink dress but regular rails against every damn politician to pollute the air with their existance, appeals to read Chesterton and Wodehouse and a recipe for mock haggis? I rest my case.)

So, back to my regular schedule of “everything AND the kitchen sink” and about this time next year, I’ll start wondering how many folks have actually dropped by.

Thanks for all the fish.

Screwed up courts: anarcho-tyranny

Hold this lil thought in the back of your mind. There’s an application just waiting to happen a little later…

“And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell … ” —Mark 9:47

Via Stop the ACLU and WorldNet Daily, a little outrage over a recent California Supreme Court decision that ruled that forcing sex offenders who had been convicted of having oral sex with kids need no longer be registered as sex offenders.

“Look for William Jefferson Clinton to move to California soon. One of his favorite sexual activities is being given a wink and a nod by that state’s highest court.”¹

Yeh, well, at least Bill waited until the girl was of age… chronologically, at least (though that hardly excuses his behavior).

Both Kevin McCullough (WND) and Jay (STACLU) would prefer to eliminate the “registered sex offenders” program for pedophiles entirely—by substituting public execution. Jay’s a little stronger, advocating public humiliation preceding the execution. I think maybe the “offending member” should be cut off (or “plucked out”) as a part of that humiliation process, myself.* (Of course, that’d create no guarantee that the slime would “enter the kingdom of heaven” even absent the offending body part[s].)

But no. The same faux liberal swamp that spent much venom on the Catholic church (very rightly, IMO) over a few pedophile priests, gave rise to this sort of abhorrent idiocy giving pedophile predators a free ride on their crime. Heck, recall that it’s the same faux liberal swamp that supports the ACLU’s defense of NAMBLA efforts to propagandize, brainwash and recruit boy toys.

One thing no one can ever accuse the fever swamp of faux liberalism today of is rational behavior or any consistency apart from a consistent, unceasing effort to continue making American society into the worst imaginable replica of a degenerate and savage land.

Thanks, California Supremes (believe it or not, I unintentionally typed “Caligula Supremes” initially-some unconscious truth emerging) for showing America what vile and immoral creatures liberal judges can be. Yet another reason for the American people to distrust and disrespect the courts.

And, remember the fate of Soddom and Gomorrah.

*Oh, and before someone starts whining in comments about “cruel and unusual punishment,” let me be very clear: I Don’t Care. The crueler it is, the better, pour encourager les autres, as it were…

Take a break: Just good fun

Fiction should be that: just good fun. A story to amuse, entertain and, if it teaches anything at all, had any higher or more noble purpose, does so via the means of a good, well-told story. (Unfortunately, the 20th Century saw a great departure from this idea. *sigh*)

That’s one reason I agree with so many who deem P.G. Wodehouse the best novelist of the 20th Century. All of his (nearly all very short) novels are just that: novel, amusing and entertaining farces, but so very well written, with characters and dialogue and decriptive narrative that are so engaging, that one scarcely notices that their ONLY point is to entertain and amuse.

Another earlier 20th Century (and late 19th Century) author who approached Wodehouse’s readability in his fiction (but who excelled at non-fiction as well) is G.K. Chesterton. Here’s a little throwaway piece of descriptive narrative from one of his detective stories in illustration of his adept use of English:

It was one of those journeys on which a man perpetually feels that now at last he must have come to the end of the universe, and then finds he has only come to the beginning of Tufnell Park.

I’ve been on some journeys like that, haven’t you? And yet, to have an “omnibus” ride described in such terms is a delightful piece of prose painting of the type that Chesterton excelled in.

May I recommend that you CLICK on the link in my “Cool Links” section (or in this sentence :-)) and check out some Chesterton for yourself? Whether you settle on one of his lighter pieces of fiction or one of his theological or apologetics essays or his comments on society and mankind in general, or even any of his poetry, his words will draw you into a genial conversation with a sharp, inquiring mind who knew well the power of language… and had inestimable skill in its use.

Chesterton is just one more example of how much FUN one can have using one’s brain for something other than a paperweight.

Posting an invitation to the party at Stop the ACLU