2 Replies to “I’d vote to proclaim him Emperor of the United States”

  1. [N.B.?”Numb-to-truth” demonstrates once again that he can’t read and understand simple declarative sentences. He also demonstrates that he is a liar?he claims he has friends and implies that his fictitious friends are able to read, among other lies. So, further short corrections of a few of his dissimulations are below in italics. ]

    My friends and I [a likely lie unless all of your putative friends have a collective IQ reaching nearly that of a rotting head of cabbage] get a good laugh when we read your ‘intellectual’ rumblings on subjects. You still don’t understand about the cod. [Here, this idiot thinks I am not able to parse and comprehend, “…something you couldn?t infer if I smacked you between the ears with a dead cod”?a phrase I wrote?and further down he says, “but you would beat her with a cod”. What an idiot. Lies come so naturally to him, he cannot speak truth… and is too stupid to realize he impeaches himself! back to the idiot: Was it much difficult for you?
    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds homosexual child and goat rapers, eaters of pig shit and fornicators with dogs, syphilletic, degenerate, cretinous moneky men one and all. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah who is the pagan moon god of illiterate stone age savages, and that Muhammad the blood-thirsty, treacherous, lying son of a dog, murdering slaver and child rapist is His slave and Messenger of evil, may Allaah exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions as they all roast in hell for eternity.

    First of all, one should know that in Islam each of the husband and wife are ordained to perform work that suits their physique, and that the husband is obliged to spend on his wife and children abuse his wife or wives, and that the wife is obliged to nurture her children and fulfil[sic] be her husband’s rights slave. But you would beat her with a cod and say threatening is not violence. [See? This cowardly liar is afraid to place this comment on the post where the “cod” comment was made, because that would make impeaching his lie easy for any casual reader–so, he posts it OFFTOPIC on another post. Someone performing an “echo test” on his cranium would most likely hear no sound proceding from his pie hole… cos sound doesn’t travel in a vaccuum. This is a very funny site as long as you, “numb-to-truth,” think your easily fisked lies aren’t recognizable as such, yes, it is even funnier moment by moment. Thank you for telling me that your “friends”?a concepot that boggles the mind?are as unbelievably stupid as you. Unless you are slandering people who are just taking pity on you, the village idiot, by calling them your friends.

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