

Muslim clerics in UK claim they have won

In an article dated February 19, 2006 (yeh, I’m a month behind on this one), Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo claims that the appeasement of Muslims in Britain over the Mohammed cartoons “… warns Sharia Law will become commonplace in Britain in a decade unless the government takes action.”_¹_

And I don’t doubt it for a second.

Look, folks: getting control over our borders (kicking OUT those who have entered illegally, preventing further illegal intrusions and making gates whereby worthwhile immigrants may enter and become assimilated, truly assimilated, in the old melting pot tradition) is only a part of the task we must tackle if our children and grandchildren are to have an America to live in. Just as with the imminent possibility of “Britainistan” coming to pass, the Balkanization of the U.S. that the multicultural relativists seek is a very real possibility, if not in my lifetime (though I think that’s quite possible, since it is already proceeding apace), in my children’s lifetimes.

The positions in Rick’s immigration post—and more—need to be up front and openly debated, without the false attacks of racism being thrown in, as the disingenuous faux liberals who seek the destruction of the U.S. so often do.

But it’s more than that, even.

Continue reading “Britainistan?”

The Great Immigration Debate

Marc Cooper has a great and  long piece posted at Truth Dig today on Illegal Immigration.  He  has been writing extensively on illegal immigration for some time. Although we may disagree on some points  we do agree as most Americans do about one fundamental truth, the border is out of control and needs to be fixed.
Early on Marc writes:


In the simplest of terms, a strategy of enforcement-only measures has made no perceivable dent in the human flow across the border. And there is, therefore, no reason to believe that further measures of fortification are going to work any better.


He is half right. No doubt half hearted out of sight out of mind enforcement only measures will not work. However a serious enforcement effort, building an impassable fence along the entire border with proper border guards stationed across its length to monitor any attempts to climb over, dig under, or breach it will bring illegal immigration to a dead stop.
As Marc conveniently points out:

Continue reading “The Great Immigration Debate”

What the internet needs

OK, you internet search wizards, software sophonts, hardware hackers, here’s what I need (whether the rest of the internet autochthons do or not): a search engine to locate and identify tunes and musical motives. No, not by name, by matching whatever tune I whistle, play or sing into a mic.

I just hate it when I have a tune running through my head that I cannot peg. Just asked my Wonder Woman, “What’s this from”? and whistled a happy tune (no, not THAT one). Her helpful answer was five words of one of the verses and, “It’s from a musical” (I knew that!)—two of them “as a”.

But it might be a motif from the third movement of a little-known Classical or Romantic period composer or some such that haunts my mental ear for hours. If recollection served, I’d have no problem, but my recolecter seems less reliable in rcent years…

So, I need a tunessearch engine. Get busy, folks!

(BTW, this particular one was easy, given the four words my Wonder Woman sang back to me: Oscar Hammerstein II & Richard Rodgers, State Fair, “It Might As Well Be Spring”—appropriate, this close to the Vernal Equinox, Spring Break and hay fever don’t you think? Sometimes my unconscious is flippin’ brilliant… )

It Might as Well be Spring.mp3

BTW, you can purchase and download the full recording of this excerpted performance by Full Spectrum Jazz here.

Whistling in the dark at Conservative Cat, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Basil’s Blog and Jo’s Cafe.