Knock me over with a “Huh?!?!?” stick

Would someone explain how a search for “mix bread between a otter and beaver” led someone to third world county?

I suspect it either had to do with an overloaded flux capacitor generating abnormal subspace harmonics, or the dumbass who searched for “mix bread between a otter and beaver” and just magically came here, scratched his pointy lil head and said,

“Man! That’s exactly what I was looking for!”

Riiiiiiiight, Jimmy Joe Dumbass.


New Husband Store

Someone emailed this joke to me today at work. If you have already seen it too bad I thought it was funny and had to share:

A store that sells new husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights.

The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 – These men Have Jobs.

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

Continue reading “New Husband Store”

FairTax Blogburst

As most regular readers of this blog know by now, I am a firm supporter of the FairTax proposal. Some of y’all have bought the book from the link in my left sidebar (thank you very much!). Below is my first participation in The FairTax Blogburst. It is a crosspost from the bklogburst producers, Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. See the foot of this post for ways you can be a part of this effort to raise awareness of The FairTax.

You may have noted a story recently that H&R Block, the tax preparation giant, is in trouble for, guess what? — goofing on its own taxes.

Reuters, in a story dated February 23, says:

The company, which is in the middle of its make-or-break season preparing other people’s tax returns, said it had underestimated its own “state effective income tax rate” in previous quarters — meaning it owes another $32 million in back taxes.

As a result, H&R Block said it would restate previously reported earnings going all the way back to 2004.

While this story seems to revolve around state taxes, the Federal Tax Code certainly doesn’t make things any better. It is no secret that our Tax Code has gotten out of hand. As of 2003, the code comprised more than 55,000 pages of laws, regulations, and rulings. As of Tuesday, March 7, 2006, the IRS has 954 Forms and Publications available for download on its web site. This is up from 402 in 1990, and 526 in 2002. In addition to the common W-2, Form 1040-EZ, and others with which you might be familiar, some of the more interesting forms are:

Continue reading “FairTax Blogburst”

The third world county “So, maybe they’re commandments and maybe not” of blogging

Ya wanna make something of it?

Sam, at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns has offered Sam’s 10 Commandments Of Blogging, Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself has a thoughtful piece up about blogging, Can Anyone Write a Blog?, and lady Diane has posts and tons of comments about her woes blogging (hosting, servers, wonky reloads, etc.). so I figure it’s that time of year again, you know, when posts about blogging are in the air, like pollen.

So here goes, my own ten not-quite-commandments, more like “get-a-clues” about blogging. Something for everyone in here—the good, the bad and the execrably ugly—somewhere, although the ones for truly bad bloggers will never be seen, I trust, cos by now I think I’ve run most of them off screaming, to weep and wail and gnash their teeth in outer darkness. Or the upper reaches of TTLB’s inbred blog-game. Close.

Continue reading “The third world county “So, maybe they’re commandments and maybe not” of blogging”

I might just live forever…

No death for me?

Well, “confession’s good for the soul but bad for ther reputation,” right?

If the following lil ditty by W.H. Auden is true, then I might just never die:

“As poets have mournfully sung,
Death takes the innocent young.
The rolling in Money,
The screamingly funny
And those that are very well hung.”

OK, y’all quit snickering.

hanging my… head in shame at TMH’s Bacon Bits and Stuck on Stupid.

Blegging Once Again… /OTA Wednesday

Yeh, Yeh. Blatant begging combined with an open trackbacks post for The Open Trackback Alliance (check the blogroll in my left sidebar).

Here’s the OTA and other Open Trackback stuff, but do stick around for my bleg, wouldja?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

OK, here’s the bleg: I am less than 200 unique visitors from my goal of reaching 50K unique visitors by the time my first year with Statcounter rolls around. That’s adding the stats from the Blogger TWC to the stats for this TWC. Now, I know lotsa folks like to count page loads and others like to count hits, but I’ve had well over 30,000 hits just here in the last three weeks, and so counting hits would be less cool, as I look at it. Your mileage may vary–different strokes and all that.

What I’m primarily interested in is unique eyeballs, as best as Statcounter can determine it, excluding my visits and search engines crawling, etc. 50K is still on the low end of unique visitors for a year with blogs that have the high quality links in I have been strangely blessed with, but at least it means those unique eyeballs are also of a higher quality than some really active blogs get.

(Rabbit trail: I am fequently both amazed and humbled by the fact that, although my comments sections aren’t full to overflowing like some blogs, the quality of the people posting is always a notch or two above my own posting. I like that.)

So, here’s the bleg: wouldya ask your readers to push me over the edge top in my search for 50K unique eyeball pairs by the end of this week? That’d nring me in at my lil goal about a half a month ahead of target.

It’s no biggie, cos stats are only a very minor indicator of, well, anything to me. My main goals remain: silence the voices in my head and (something that’s grown on me) appreciate the readers that come back for some reason. 🙂

Blegging at Basil’s, as soon as he gets the picnic basket ready for Wednesday where the ants are already on the march at the picnic, and at Diane’s Stuff as soon as she gets her OTA post up where Lady Diane “splains” an important feature of Windows… (SOOOOO glad you’ve got your blog back and running, Lady Diane!)