Thank you, coffee!

Well, thanks to my great friend, the Blessed, Holy Caffeine Tree, I survived a day and a half of dialup over third world county telco lines *shudder*. Oh! The horror of it all!


Thanks, coffee.


(Yeh, the pic’s low-rez, in nothing but the light coming in the kitchen window. But it’s of my “coffee shrine” and my second-favorite coffeemaker to date. Fav died and not enough parts available… *sigh* If you’re interested remind me to tell ya how I can emulate a French press with this coffeemaker. :-))

What is it with "feminists"?!

(While David is dealing with tornado-inflicted ISP issues, he asked me to help him out by cross-posting the occasional article. I wrote this one up this morning, and thought his readers would find it interesting. Enjoy… And I hope things get fixed soon, David!)

This past weekend, the Cotillion Ladies were buzzing about a general topic to post on this week, and the general consensus was the insanity and hypocracy running rampant through the moonbat legions of die-hard *gasp* FEMINISTS *gasp*.

Now, I am all for equal job/equal pay, I believe that men and women should be given respect and courtesy in equal amounts, and I don’t believe discrimination based on gender is acceptable. Therefore, I suppose you could call me a “feminist” of sorts, and I’m sure a lot of other women would sign on to that definition. However, we’re not discussing “feminists,” we’re talking about *gasp* FEMINISTS *gasp*.

Continue reading “What is it with "feminists"?!”

How to Conquer America

Still short shrift day–limited bloggage due to ISP/connectivity, but ain’t it fun falling back on old Blogger habits? Ya know, write the html in a plain text editor and then—real quick, it’s working right now!—pasting it into an “edit post” window and hope for the best… *heh*

A post by The Median Sib—also here— dovetailed with a link found at Chaos Manor Musings (Mail). The Media Sib outlines four strategic “high ground” areas the enemies of Western Civilization must take and hold to wage their battle of conquest on America. She’s right.

Bullet points from Median Sib’s post (do go read the whole thing, would you?):

So you set out to conquer the United States in four simple steps.

  1. Place your people in the schools…
  2. Get the mainstream media in your pocket…
  3. Become involved in the political system…
  4. Infiltrate the entertainment industry…

The link at Jerry Pournelle’s site is to a discussion on (of all things) The Practical Machinist discussion board (again, do yourself and your children and grandchildren the favor and read the whole thing!). It details a speech made by former governor of Colorado, Richard Lamm. Here are the bullet points:

To destroy America…

Continue reading “How to Conquer America”

Still “Line dancing with the squirrels”/Open Post

Weeeell, apparently tornado damage was more extensive—at least where my ISP is concerned—and I’m told they “expect some word about progress (getting broadband access back) by noon Tuesday”…

Meanwhile, this wonky (backup) dialup has dropped twice while I’ve been trying to get this posted. Squirrels still line dancing in the wires here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ no doubt.

This IS an open post. Link to this post and track back. If I can, later I have a coupla posts to get up, but it’s hair-pullin’ time trying to get just this post up (and I cannot afford that :-)).

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven
Oh, and if you have any mocking words to leave for Jean Fraud sKerry, that’d be a Good Thing, too.