
Notice the new animated graphic in my left sidebar? Beth, at Blue Star Chronicles has devised a way for anyone who so wishes to declare their support for the Danes in their quest to assert civilized values in the face of Islamic hissyfits.

Visit Beth’s site and sign up with the Sammenhold Blogroll if you want to show your support.

*Sammenhold is Danish for “solidarity”.

Oh, and Beth is moving Blue Star Chronicles. Please visit both her blogsites during the transition to make sure you catch her very solid blogging. Catch the link to her new site off the Sammenhold graphic or my blogroll. The “old” site is linked in this post, cos that’s where the Sammenhold post is, right now.

Her new site is also noted in last weekend’s Open Post, with a couple of trackbacks.

Guard the Borders/Monday Open Post

Today, it’s back to school on an important, much-neglected problem with our border security. And, of course, it’s Monday Open Trackbacks. So link to this post and trackback.

Now, on to Guard the Borders:

Abolish The EOIR!
By Juan Mann

There is a dangerous misconception lurking in America’s growing public consciousness about immigration law enforcement. From the man on the street to the halls of Congress, the fatal error persists in the belief that if only current immigration laws were just enforced, the illegal alien invasion of these United States would be over for good.

All would be well if we put the legal mechanisms in place into effect . . . right?


Few Americans even recognize that there’s any problem at all with HOW the federal government goes about deporting illegal aliens and criminal alien residents. Securing the Arizona desert was a piece of cake in comparison—remember that the volunteer Minuteman Project showed the world that they could do it in a month!

So what’s the problem?

Continue reading “Guard the Borders/Monday Open Post”