Bush-Moby Dick-Captain Ahab?

Over at TMH’s Bacon Bits, DL usually keeps alla his shots in the X-Ring. Not so with his recent post, Moby Bush. (Sorry, DL. Close but no cigar. :-)) While he does rightly describe the Democrappic obsessive fantasies about “Bush the selected, not elected” (talk about a psychotic schism with reality!), he then proposes that “… their self-destructive hatred is of the level of insanity of Captain Ahab in Melville’s classic, Moby Dick.”

DL, that’s an unconscionable slur on the good name and character of Captain Ahab. *snerk* A closer analogy might be to envision a ’08 dream ticket for the Democraps: Russell Feinstein and Billary Clinton. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you

Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman

Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman

The Real Islam



Keep that four-syllable Koine word in mind for a while, ‘K?

Krishna at A Deeper Look has some useful references for understanding the lies of Islam. First, he points to “Muhammad’s Dead Poets Society”, an article at The American Thinker that refutes the lie that Mohammend was a model of forgiveness and kindness in his response to critics. The piece is a laundry list of brutality and intolerance, so typical of the Muslim world throughout history, up to the present time.

Continue reading “The Real Islam”

FatheR SometimeS Does Know BesT


“Black Families, Black Men” takes a courageous look at the Black “family.”

Sounding like a born-again social conservative, president Lyndon B. Johnson stepped to the podium and made this stirring pronouncement: “When the family collapses, it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale, the community itself is crippled.”

A few months later the Moynihan Report came out. Despite its commonsense focus on strengthening the Black family, civil rights leaders raised a stink that Mr. Moynihan was trying to “blame the victim.” Floyd McKissick, director of the Congress of Racial Equality, insisted, “It’s the damn system that needs changing.”

So the architects of the Great Society not only set out to ignore the formative role of the Black family – they plotted to make things worse.

Continue reading “FatheR SometimeS Does Know BesT”

Wednesday OTA/Short Roundup

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance open post. link to this post and trackback. See the OTA and Linkfest Haven links below the (very) short roundup of posts that have caught my eye. (Hey, I’ve been mostly outa the loop for a coupla days, ‘K? :-))

Alexandra notes a kinship with Mark Steyn (she’s right; they are intellectual sibs :-)).

Beth asks, Is Peace Moonbeam a Fraud? Well, with a name like that, I’d certainly hope so…

“Dave the NCO,” writing in over at Jerry Pournelle’s place, notes the mystical powers of literacy. 😉 He points to an article by John Derbyshire (though unfortunately not with a link) that has gems like this:

“…a few years ago, when I complained to my Wall Street boss, a lady with a degree from a good university and a six-digit salary, that in giving me a project to complete without the proper means to complete it, she was asking me to make bricks without straw. She stared at me uncomprehendingly. “Bricks? Straw? What on earth are you talking about, John?””

Yep. Communicating with the subliterate is like making bricks without straw, indeed.

Why is Africa “poor”? Read this. Western Civilization is better. And one of the key principles of the West can be seen lacking in Africa… and it’s one that’s both essential to creating a society of growing wealth and one that’s particularly despised—in theory and loudmouthed pronouncements and rules affecting other people—by the disingenuous liars and the useful idiots of the Left…

Oh, and you’ll see this too, if you page around enough on Pournelle’s site:

Chicago schools require Drivers Ed for blind students.

I can’t make this stuff up. No one can. Who has an imagination that depraved fecund?

Random Yak holds forth with an English/History lesson. “…when all the sway of earth shakes like a thing unfirm…” and all that. 😉

Yeh, I know there’re lots more (including some good posts linked in on Monday and Tuesday). Link in with some of the good ones I’ve missed, OK?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

Diane’s got a linkfest post up, too. Go check it out and link there, as well.