Short Roundup/Tuesday Open Post

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Here’s a short roundup of a few posts that are in the “must read” category:

Woody (Woody’s News and Views) pointed out Emperor Misha’s “We Need to Stop Playing at War“. Well, we do, and his post points out salient reasons why. Read it.

Wittingshire has Boys and Bikinis, of which Lovely Daughter said, “That post is beyond adorable! I agree with the boy.” I dunno about the “adorable” part. The boy referred to might not appreciate that, but she’s on target about the rest… 🙂


I’m very glad I don’t need The Evangelical Outpost’s advice on “How to Get Rid of a Stoner Son“… but if you do, I think It Could Work!

On a serious note, Blonde Sagacityâ„¢ writes about a major humanitarian problem directly related to illegal aliens in “A Rape Tree Grows Out West“. Read it, and let yourself experience some righteous anger.

Polemiken offers “Manifest?” Money quote, from Wafa Sultan:

Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.

Romeocat has a powerful post at CatHouse Chat: Oh, Yes! Strong stuff, R’Cat. Strong.

Finally, turning to the absurd, once again I urge you to CLICK and contemplate the horror of Alien Cow Abductions. (No, not the abductions of alien cows, silly.)

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16 Replies to “Short Roundup/Tuesday Open Post”

  1. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  2. hey I agree with the lil boy that said girls shouldnt saunter
    around in bik-inis b/c its jus like underwear. Modesty would
    b a fine thing to bring back to society for womens sake if
    nothin else!..hey David, gimme yer 2 cents bout mah blog analysis

  3. Pingback: Freedom Folks
  4. Thanks, Iran Watch. Just checked your site out, too. Some timely stuff, there. I need to do another roundup post (maybe tomorrow) and plug your posts.

    Thanks for dropping in.

  5. Pingback: Mark My Words
  6. Pingback: Woody's News
  7. “Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.”

    You would think so..but after the killing of a Catholic priest during the cartoon riots, several prominent Islamic leaders get invitations to had an audience with the pope at the Vatican.

  8. Pretty sad news about Dana Reeves. She really stood by her husband side in a situation where many women or men for that matter, would have taken off for an easier road. I feel bad for her son.

  9. Pingback: third world county
  10. I saw one post referring to Muslims and burning down churches and synagogues. They stayed in this path will fail. I wish I could say that they are correct but in most Islamic countries now the Christian and Jewish populations are decreasing at an alarming rate and those of us in the West watch and say nothing.

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