Time for a coffee transfusion

No, I did not mean “infusion” cos I sincerely believe coffee is the Lifeblood of Sanity… at least today.

I was moving so slowly my Wonder Woman asked me if I was stuck in a black hole. Yeh. I feel like I have my head so far up my…

OK, time for another cuppa joe. Days like today are THE reminder of why I wrote this

“Confession is good for the soul and bad for the reputation,” is one of my Wonder Woman’s favorite sayings. So? Confessing my mental state at Conservative Cat, where at least Bruce has Ferdy to keep him compos mentis, even during a high fever… and at Median Sib, cos she sounds about as understanding as my Wonder Woman, Mrs. Librarian Lady, as she recounts A Day in the Life of a Reading Teacher.

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