

Muslim clerics in UK claim they have won

In an article dated February 19, 2006 (yeh, I’m a month behind on this one), Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo claims that the appeasement of Muslims in Britain over the Mohammed cartoons “… warns Sharia Law will become commonplace in Britain in a decade unless the government takes action.”_¹_

And I don’t doubt it for a second.

Look, folks: getting control over our borders (kicking OUT those who have entered illegally, preventing further illegal intrusions and making gates whereby worthwhile immigrants may enter and become assimilated, truly assimilated, in the old melting pot tradition) is only a part of the task we must tackle if our children and grandchildren are to have an America to live in. Just as with the imminent possibility of “Britainistan” coming to pass, the Balkanization of the U.S. that the multicultural relativists seek is a very real possibility, if not in my lifetime (though I think that’s quite possible, since it is already proceeding apace), in my children’s lifetimes.

The positions in Rick’s immigration post—and more—need to be up front and openly debated, without the false attacks of racism being thrown in, as the disingenuous faux liberals who seek the destruction of the U.S. so often do.

But it’s more than that, even.

Dick Lamm’s critical analysis of how to conquer America (mentioned in this post, along with Median Sib’s take on the same subject) reveals that the enemies of America are already well on their way to bringing the U.S. down.

And still the Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats, Academia Nuts are free to utter such inanities as “Islam=religion of peace” and “undocumented workers deserve to stay–and not just stay but demand we accede to their wishes to create enclaves of their own home country here”—virtually unopposed.

And I hold this much against George Bush: he plays the same tune along with the MMPs, LLMs and AAs.

No! “Undocumented workers” are illegal aliens, without the rights of citizens, criminals, and should be deported, for the reasons—at the least—that I outlined in response to rick’s post. At the very least, to show that the U.S. is seriously committed to protecting both its borders and its citizens. (And yes, I believe even illegal aliens, after having been deported to their home countries, should be allowed to apply for re-entry, after careful screening. There’s more, of course.)

And an open debate needs to be held concerning the very nature of 21st century Islam, a savage, brutal 6th century cult that would bring the world down to its level, if we let it. The public arena must be forced to be open to criticism of Islam, Muslims and their prohet, the Butcher of Medina (and of Mecca and many other places, for that matter). it’s high time the myth of Mohammed was exploded, completely extirpated from the public arena by the truth that Islam is a fabric of lies, from beginning to end, with convenient partial truths woven (as all effective lies must) in to lend verisimilitude to the horrendous evil that is Islam.

If the British people do not demand of their government that it stand up to Muslim threats and lies, “Britainistan” is surely a likely future for the once Sceptered Isle.

No less than a Muslim (and many other cultural) Balkanization of the U.S. is a very real possibility if we do not “rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

Update: More info about the Islamic threat to our way of life here and here.

TB-Linked at Right Wing Nation and Rashbre Central

2 Replies to “Britainistan?”

  1. David:
    It may be later than you think. But, I think the solution and the way to proceed
    are obvious. Please check out my postings that start like this
    “… outlines the threat of illegal immigration to our sovereignty and what we might do to save America. The short answer is that we must eliminate illegal immigration, preserve our two party system, and restore respect for the rule of law in America.

    Thanks for your consideration and thanks for the good information.

  2. Yo David, he looks quite complacent there with hit lil sheet!
    we can keep shakin our fists at the sky but if a serious politician
    doesnt stop playin the PC game of “we are all the same”..truth b told
    Wer’e doomed.

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