Over at TMH’s Bacon Bits, DL usually keeps alla his shots in the X-Ring. Not so with his recent post, Moby Bush. (Sorry, DL. Close but no cigar. :-)) While he does rightly describe the Democrappic obsessive fantasies about “Bush the selected, not elected” (talk about a psychotic schism with reality!), he then proposes that “… their self-destructive hatred is of the level of insanity of Captain Ahab in Melville’s classic, Moby Dick.”
DL, that’s an unconscionable slur on the good name and character of Captain Ahab. *snerk* A closer analogy might be to envision a ’08 dream ticket for the Democraps: Russell Feinstein and Billary Clinton. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you
BWAAHAAHHAAA! (Well worth the link and the mild affront.)
(Not speaking for the author, of course.)
Nothing against Ahab mind you but I wouldn’t mind seeing the whole lot of the deranged on the Essex…
Diane: Personally, I prefer to see them on the Titanic -they need a quick shot of ice-cold water to wake up their fuzzy little minds.
David – good one – With Hillary and Feinstein-which one do you think will run as Cap’t Underpants?
Oh, Hillary’s definitely setting her cap to be the captain of the “good” ship Lying *^%$@#$ Bastards.