Still “Line dancing with the squirrels”/Open Post

Weeeell, apparently tornado damage was more extensive—at least where my ISP is concerned—and I’m told they “expect some word about progress (getting broadband access back) by noon Tuesday”…

Meanwhile, this wonky (backup) dialup has dropped twice while I’ve been trying to get this posted. Squirrels still line dancing in the wires here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ no doubt.

This IS an open post. Link to this post and track back. If I can, later I have a coupla posts to get up, but it’s hair-pullin’ time trying to get just this post up (and I cannot afford that :-)).

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven
Oh, and if you have any mocking words to leave for Jean Fraud sKerry, that’d be a Good Thing, too.

10 Replies to “Still “Line dancing with the squirrels”/Open Post”

  1. Ouch, David – that’s got to be rough. Kudos to anyone who can survive two days on dialup. I’d be (more) insane. Looks like big storms coming in here, so I may well be singing your song before long myself. Hoping not, and that you get back online by this evening.

  2. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  3. Pingback: Stuck On Stupid

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