3 Replies to “Grocery List”

  1. “Toad in the Hole”?

    On *MY* blog?

    David, my dear blog-brother… What have you been drinking tonight??? *sigh* I guess I’ll have to go through all those delicious recipes yet again to find that one (if only for the laughs).

    And every ounce I gain, I’m gonna blame on YOU!!!!


    — R’cat

  2. Yeah, I *did* see that, after I left the last comment, but I forgot to come back last night. You’re right: it looks good!

    Anyway, I drove up to Lynchburg today and got a whole bunch of stuff, including some wheat to grind into flour – I’ve got a sourdough starter fermenting away, so I think I’ll try to make a whole wheat sourdough. I also got some organic rye flour that I’ve got plans for….


    — R’cat

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