My Epitaph

Thanks to Boudicca for spurring me to let my family know what to put on my “grave marker”—a stick-on label saying,

In this mason jar are the cremains of The Black Knight of America’s Third World Countyâ„¢

“‘Tis but a scratch.”

(Oh, btw, maybe my family would play at least the Black Knight scene from “Search for the Holy Grail” at a wake or something, in my remembrance, as it were… invincible.mp3)

2 Replies to “My Epitaph”

  1. Of course, my family could as easily use my cremains as an addition to fertilizer for whoever had a garden in need of it.

    Who flippin’ cares? I won’t be around to protest?or care. Indeed, were my cremains to serve as a soil enhancer for roses or dandelions (my fav flower) or watermelons, it’d be one of the better uses this carcass could be put to.

    Oh, and funerals. I’d rather family got together to laugh, cry, bitch and moan, party or just sit around a meal than have some sanctimonious jackass pontificate to a church full of hypocritical attendees, there mostly cos they’re glad it was me and not them who slipped this mortal coil. I have lots of aquaintances, a few real friends and I’m pretty darned close to family, so maybe some of them would want to do something to mark my passing from this current scene, but were I around to straw boss the event, it’d exclude alla the aquaintances as superfluous rabble.

    Of course, I won’t be around, and so family will do whatever they darned well please, and that’s fine by me. Any of them who go first can’t complain about how I mark their passing, either, so there.

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