On “Leaving the Drawbridge Down”

While I don’t buy all of his argument, William S. Lind has a point (or three),

To understand the Left’s insistence on leaving the drawbridge down, one has to know what “Political Correctness” and “multi-culturalism” really are. They are code words for the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, the Marxist think tank that, beginning around 1930, undertook the intellectually difficult task of translating Marxism from economic into cultural terms (it had to break with both Moscow and Marx on some important points to do it.) Cultural Marxism’s purpose is the destruction of Western culture and the Christian religion. Any ally helpful in reaching those goals is to be welcomed, including allies who would slit the cultural Marxists’ own throats. So long as the West can be brought down, any price is worth paying.

From faux liberal congresscritters to Academia Nuts, Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Podpeople (Oh! My!), the thirst for the death of the West is palpable. America, at least, needs to wake up and smell the stench of the plague-ridden corpses of Marx and Engel dragged into our “castle” by the traitors in our midst.

Just a happy thought for Friday…

Shouting “Raise the drawbridge” at Basil’s Blog.

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