By John Stephenson
I just finished reading Indefensible: 10 Ways The ACLU Is Destroying America by Sam Kastensmidt. I highly recommend it for everyone.

The book covers most of our own top ten reasons to stop the ACLU, however much more extensively. It covers everything the ACLU stands for. From the agenda of silencing the churches and abortion to the sexualization of children…the book covers it in excellent detail.

There have been many great books written on the ACLU. Most focus on the social and religious issues that are under attack. Alan Sears’ book, ACLU Vs. America, focused on mainly on these issues, however it did touch upon how the ACLU attacks our sovreignty. This book, Indefensible, also focuses on the social issues, but I was happy to see that it devoted an entire chapter on how the ACLU is Impeding America’s War On Terror. I’m going to share a few excerpts from sections within that particular chapter.

ACLU Fights Measure To Halt Terrorists’ Funding

Only weeks after the tragedy (911), Congress acted to dismantle the financial infrastructure supporting known terrorist organizations. On October 3, 2001, U.S. Rep. Michael Oxley (OH) introduced the “Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001,” seeking to freeze all accounts directly linked to the “financing of terrorism.”

The need for such legislation was deemed so vital to national security that it passed the U.S. House on a vote of 421-1. Almost the entire Congress recognized that this legislation’s passage was imperative. Still, on the day before the vote was scheduled, the ACLU delivered letters of opposition to all members of Congress.

“We urge you to oppose the ‘Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001,'” the letter began. Why? One portion of the bill made it a federal crime to conceal large amounts of “illegally obtained” cash (over $10,000) while traveling. In a desperate and shameful attempt to justify its stance, the ACLU played the race card. The letter argued, “This provision may impact, disproportionately, people of color and immigrants….[because] these groups of people often have a more difficult time getting access to sources of credit and bank accounts and so use cash transactions more frequently than others do.”

Under the ACLU’s reasoning, impoverished people would be discriminated against by this bill. The likelihood of impoverished minorities carrying around more than $10,000 in cash and concealing it was supposedly a grave concern for the ACLU. Thankfully the ACLU’s efforts to stop this were unsuccessful.

A little more from the book:

Later in the war, the ACLU actually volunteered its legal services to represent suspected terrorists!

In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments from several alleged “illegal combatants,” including two cases involving U.S. citizens and one case involving 14 foreign “illegal enemy combatants.” The ACLU filed amicus briefs on behalf of the suspected terrorists in each case, arguing that ll “enemy combatants” cpatured during a time of war should have access to American courtrooms-regardless of their citizenship.

The Pentagon contended that “enemy combatants” should face military tribunals-the standard procedure in all previous international wars. U.S. Solictor General Theodore Olson, whose wife, Barbara Olson, was killed on September 11, when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, reminded the Supreme Court Justices that the plaintiffs were requesting a “jurisdiction that is not authorized by Congress, does not arise from the Constitution, and has never been exercised by this Court.”

Though the U.S. Constitution does not extend rights to non-citizen enemy combatants, judicial restraint did not prevent the moder Court from creating this new right out of thin air.

Thankfully this decision was made moot by the passing of the Military Commission Act. However, the ACLU’s war on National Security continues, and giving habeous corpus to non-American citizens is on their New Year Resolution list. It is actually number one on the list, followed by destroying the NSA terrorist surveillance program, and destroying our ability to keep secrets.

Overall the book was well put together and very informative. I highly recommend checking it out.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

“The time has come for judgement to begin… “

The title of this post refers to the text of I Peter 4:17, a call to truth, justice, repentance. Take time to look it up and then read on…

Below is the text of an email from a “retired blogger” *heh* that I’m choosing to pass on, as he suggests, in email but also here:

The left continues their struggle to turn the liberation of Iraq into a defeat of our military by starting a petition for active duty service members to vote for surrender.

Blogger patriot Antimedia has taken up the challenge and started his own counter petition.

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform and place my life on the line in defense of freedom, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to unconditionally support all American military forces and to cease denigrating us by comparing us with Nazis and followers of Pol Pot and calling us murderers. I further respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress not to abandon the Iraqi people as we so shamefully abandoned the South Vietnamese. The time for all Americans to pull together, take a stand for freedom and support us in the war on terror [sic] is long overdue.

Don’t let the left wing redefine the hard work and sacrifice of our men and women in Iraq as a wasted effort! Don’t let them make Baghdad into another Saigon! Please pass this e-mail on.


OK, Woody, it’s passed here (as well as to an email list).

Now, folks, what are YOU going to do with this? It’s time to call our representqatives to do justice, discover the true meaning of mercy (and I’ll give you a hint: it’s NOT appeasement! “Mercy” shown ONLY to the offender and not the victims is cruelty) and humility.

IOW, they need a swift kick in the pants, a slap upside the head or a strong right cross to get their attention and call them back (back? Most have never viewed their “service” as true servants ought) to actually serve the citizens of this country, instead of simply viewing us as sheep to be shorn… or worse, fleeced.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Dumb Ox News, The Random Yak, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Wednesday OTP/Oh, please, let it be so!

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Sharpton Considers Running for President

Having this crooked racist run as a Democrat would be all too fitting. Almost as fitting as having a serial slanderer and monumental dumbass in the running for the Democrats’ nomination. Oh, wait, it looks like that could happen, too!

Kerry Prepares Another White House Run

The only potential dark spot in these two creeps seeking to represent the Demicraps’ hopes in ’08 is that they could make Billary (Two crooks for the price of one!) Clinton and Barack Hussein (“Yeh, I was a druggie for most of a decade. So what?”) Obama look attractive… to dumbass Democraps who just aren’t paying attention (or do not have the mental or moral ability to do so).

Continue reading “Wednesday OTP/Oh, please, let it be so!”

Fair Tax:

by Debbie of Right Truth

John Edwards is running for president of the United States on his same old theme, ‘two Americas‘. He hopes to get votes by pitting the ‘haves’ against the ‘have nots’. He even chose New Orleans to make his announcement, with the unspoken message that the government failed the poor people and he has stepped in to be their savior.

Edwards is promising universal health care, pulling out of Iraq ,taxing oil company profits and eliminating President Bush’s tax cuts to pay for his priorities. Edwards is not alone in his thinking about the evil rich (of which he happens to BE ONE). Yesterday Thomas Sowell had a wonderful article that relates to this, titled ‘A Dangerous Obsession’.

Mr. Sowell picked up on the media, the left, and academia’s continuous obsession with “gaps” and “disparities” in income. ‘As one talk-show host put it, “It makes no sense” that a corporate executive makes over $50 million a year.’ Sowell says, “Ninety-nine percent of all the things that happen in this world “make no sense” to any given individual.”

If you cannot understand something as simple as making a lead pencil, why should you be surprised that you don’t understand why someone is making a lot more money than somebody else?

Moreover, if this obsession with income disparities is to be something more than mere hand-wringing or gnashing of teeth, obviously the point is that somebody ought to “do something” to change what you don’t understand.

That’s what the left, liberals, and Edwards wants to do. They want to correct what they perceive as something wrong, …some people having more money than others. And how would one go about correcting such an atrocity? That’s easy. Take away the excess from one, and give it to another. Or as Mr. Sowell puts it, “Usually that means that the government — politicians — should impose policies based on your ignorance of what is going on.”

Continue reading “Fair Tax:”

Honor Where Honor Is Due

Let me draw your attention to the comment quoted in the header of this blog:

“An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society that scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”—John Gardner

Consider that for a while as you use it to filter Angel’s post on New York chic. Oh, come back for the rest of this post, would you (otherwise, my wonderfully wise “philosophical” observations will have been in vain. *LOL*)

Continue reading “Honor Where Honor Is Due”

OTP/Cheating at Solitaire

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I want you to ponder a question from left field. Have you ever known someone so in love with their self-image that they simply cannot confront their own flaws? At all? Yeh, yeh, besides jean Fraud Kerry, Teddy “I’ll get the lifeguard!” Kennedy and all their ilk in the political class.

But you know the kind of people I mean. The kind of people who are so willfully blind to their own character that they’d cheat at solitaire. *sheesh* Who does that? Ya cheat at solitaire, the only person you’re cheating is yourself.

Yeh. That kind of person.

Guard the Borders: Explosive!

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Heidi, of Euphoric Reality has the beat:

Mexican Gunmen Involved in Arizona Border Incident Actually Uniformed Mexican Force

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

The excursion into U.S. territory last week by “Mexican gunmen” was not a chance confrontation between the Arizona National Guard and untrained illegal immigrants, but a deliberate “perimeter probe” by an infantry-trained, uniformed Mexican force, officials say.

Euphoric Reality has learned in exclusive interviews with high-ranking sources within both the Arizona National Guard and the U.S. Border Patrol that the incident the mainstream media calls a “standoff” was in reality a military-style operation, carried out by a unit of Mexican troops dressed in military uniforms, flak jackets, and armed with AK-47s in an apparent operation to probe the border defenses and test the limits of the National Guard troops. Using easily recognizable infantry movement tactics (such as arm and hand signals and flanking maneuvers), the Mexican unit deliberately moved in a military formation across the border from Mexico, where they were picked up by National Guard surveillance.

As the hostile force moved north over the next three hours, deeper into Arizona, National Guardsmen wearing night vision goggles were able to ascertain that the approaching gunmen were indeed uniformed (including PAGST helmets) and heavily armed. When the Mexican unit came within approximately 100 yards of the EIT site, the Guardsmen repositioned themselves in order to maintain surveillance and tactical advantage. They observed the Mexican unit sweep through the EIT site, and then rapidly withdrew back into Mexico. No shots were fired by either the Mexican gunmen or the Guardsmen. Border Patrol was on the scene within minutes of the Mexican unit’s withdrawal.

The Guardsmen, through an Arizona Border Patrol official, confirmed that the incident appeared to be an intelligence-gathering exercise designed to ascertain what the National Guard’s response would be to certain tactics. It is not an isolated incident, and many such probes have been reported by the Guardsmen assigned to the area. Though no shots were fired during this particular incident, shots have been fired near and in the vicinity of the soldiers at the EIT site in other situations, though not at the soldiers themselves. It is not clear from the uniforms if the Mexican soldiers were official Mexican federales or mercenaries hired by the drug cartels.

Since then, follow-on news reports have included statements from the Border Patrol that no shots were fired. This was confirmed today by Major Paul Aguirre, a Public Affairs Officer (PAO) for the Arizona National Guard. Rumors have circulated that the Guardsmen were not armed, and thus unable to defend themselves – and that is not the case. Both Major Aguirre and Rob Daniels, a Public Information Officer (PIO) for the Arizona Border Patrol, state that all Guardsmen assigned to EITs are armed, specifically with M16s and sometimes a sidearm. As well, there have been some contradictory news reports that stated the gunmen came “within yards” of the Guardsmen, while other reports state that the gunmen were approximately 100 yards away. Mr. Daniels clarified that the gunmen came as close as 100 yards to the Guardsmen. He also stated that the Guardsmen did not “retreat” but tactically repositioned themselves to maintain surveillance of the group of armed men while simultaneously radioing for Border Patrol agents. He asserted that the Guardsmen had followed their protocols perfectly, and that their services were invaluable to the Border Patrol agents.

Continue reading “Guard the Borders: Explosive!”

Passing Shot

Passing lunch post…

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

I can’t claim the words as mine, and I wish I could attribute the quote, but such powerful… truth doesn’t need an authority figure for false validation, anyway.

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Not what we normally think of when we consider currency, but how true does it ring with you?

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Not nice, polite lies.

Not mealy-mouthed excuses.

Not political *spit* speech of any kind (it seems), as divorced from truth as that has become.

Things of value will one day rot or rust or break down.

“Friends” will desert us. (Well, the real ones know the truth of friendship and do not, except in death.)

Even our loved ones will die.

The one honest portion of that Unitarian Battle Hymn that Julia Ward Howe unintentionally included is that God’s truth is marching on (it just wasn’t the false “truth” her propoganda song was promoting in the Great Unitarian-Baptist Shootout).

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Consider that the next time you are tempted to tell a “white lie”–just whose feelings are you really sparing and what harm are you really doing by not telling the truth?

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Consider that the next time you are tempted to give a politician (or employer or employee or fellow church member, family member or friend) a “bye” on an obvious lie told to your face. Consider how many OTHER people you are harming (including, ultimately, the liar himself) by not calling the lie what it is.

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Guard the Borders [Stub]

This isn’t the “real” Monday GTB post; that’s awaiting some source confirmation of points of fact that Heidi is seeking.

Meanwhile, consider some broad strokes:

As the millions of illegal aliens swell our population with an invasion that is mostly from points south (aided and abetted by Mexican government sponsorship), consider this lil Q&A from CFIF.ORG:

Question: Thousands of illegal aliens — many of whom are drug smugglers, gangsters and other criminals — cross our borders every single day. But what happens to our brave border patrol agents who aggressively pursue and try to capture these criminals?

Answer: 11-12 years in prison!

And when hundreds of citizens lined up, out the door and down the street, for jobs at a Swift meatpacking plant vacated by illegals arrested in a recent raid, President Bush’s lying meme about “jobs Americans won’t do” was even further discredited. As if it needed discrediting to anyone with more working synapses than a head of cabbage…

See anarcho-tyranny. (Yeh, READ the whole thing.) A very tiny morsel:

“…the ordinary criminal, as well as the illegal immigrant, is at least an honorary member, if not a full-fledged officer, of the revolutionary class…”

Heidi will have the real GTB post for your reading later, but meanwhile, consider blowing a big fat raspberry at the criminal “justice” system that sends border control agents to jail for attempting to do their jobs… and claims that Americans are too lazy or finicky to do jobs that… Americans do day in and day out, and that Americans LINE UP to do when illegals are treated properly, as the criminals they are. (Now, if only someone in the fedgov would get some testosterone injections and deal a Draconian blow to employers of illegals… )

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” —Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Yeh, I added the emphasis. Illegal aliens are, by definition, NOT here “in good faith”.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, Mark My Words, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, Don Surber, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox News, Mensa Barbie Welcomes You, Conservative Cat, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.