Monday’s OTP \ Laptop Woes

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I hate working on laptops.

Lovely Daughter’s (out-of-warranty) Sony Vaio is a nice lil computer. Suits her needs to a “T” and has been ultra reliable for her.

Will not power on.

Haven’t seen it yet, but among the likely candidates one candidate is a standout: loose or bad (or corroded or otherwise damaged) power jack.

Have I mentioned I hate working on laptops? Especially the tiny lil ones like this Vaio that have really squirrely access procedures and teensy-tiny work spaces for sausage fingers.

Oh, well. If it’s the power jack, at least it’ll be relatively simple and easily accessed, for this computer at least. “Relatively” being the operational word. And it’s not as though I’d be spattering the mobo with all kindsa solder or anything. *heh*

I can hardly wait.

Have I mentioned I hate working on laptops?


Oh, well, for Lovely Daughter, nearly anything, of course.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


I may make this a third world county feature. Who knows?

Anywho, here’s a multi-cultural post for you, a blast from the past rerun of a long-ago Precision Guided Humor Assignment:

The Third World County™s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting an Islamofascist Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind on ’em. (Scent The stench of rotting camel–or other–dung may be your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than–well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a Islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test”–whack ‘im on the head with an ax handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all procede from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.

There. Wasn’t that all warm and fuzzy, multi-culti?

(Oh, and before someone charges me with dehumanizing or demonizing Loony Left Moonbats or terrorists, please note that Loony Left Moonbats and terrorists have beat me to the punch and either dehumanized or demonized themselves before I could get in on the act. I’m just calling the cards that are already dealt.)

“It’s not us; it’s you”

My final (I promise!–Nah, I don’t :-)) post on the hosting/server “Internal Server Error” that made such a hash of the last two days here at twc…

So, an “engineer” (whatever that means in hosting service gobbledegook) finally addressed the CGI issue that I had repeatedly been told “is fixed” by others, and late last night, twc began working properly on my own, new, hosted account (thanks again for your generosity for the past year, Diane!).

So, what do I get from my [Unamed Hosting Service] this a.m.? Not one but two emails saying (in different words) the same thing, “We cannot find any problem loading your site. The problem must be on your end.”


1. The site is indeed working… now.
2. If the problem was ever on my end or “somewhere between your computer and our server” then it had to also be between their server and all the other computers I tried loading the site from, theri server and all the computers of other folks I had trying to load the site AND their server and the computers of all the people I talked to at their end who could not load the site either.

Pretty widespread to have been “somewhere between your computer and our server” dontcha think?

Dumbasses. Never even bothered to read the trouble ticket history. Never even bothered to simply check and see if it actually WAS the CGI reload fixing the problem.

Nope. No intellectual giants (or even midgets) or folks with decent work ethics sending me emails from that company…

Hmmm… I wonder if their customer service department is hired from the same pool that the TSA (Terminally Stupid Agency) hires from?

Nah. Can’t be. All these guys are in… Canada.

One more class of people deserving absolutely NO respect and absolutely NO polite response.

Open that can of whup-ass!

I admire Hugh Hewitt, Carol Platt Liebau, Alexandra von Maltzen, Dafydd ab Hugh and others for their even-tempered approach to discourse with the enemies of America–especially the enemies within. But sadly, I think the only folks they have a chance of reaching are those with moderately open minds; IOW, genuine liberals of which the Left currently seems to have NONE.

Time for the Celtic/Nordic heritage of berserker rage, folks (one genetically embedded in my being :-)).

Playing nicely with faux “liberals” (who care not a whit for genuine freedom of speech, the rights of individuals or frank, open discourse) and all their ilk—Mass Media Podpeople, fake conservative politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and the whole menagerie of liars, poltroons and traitors, Oh! My! who populate the Left—is simply and plainly a stupid thing to do. It’s like attempting to debate (pick your position) Aristotelian Positivism with a street thug intent on knifing (or shooting) you and stripping your corpse bare.

Continue reading “Open that can of whup-ass!”

Housekeeping Note

twc may be experiencing some ongoing wonkiness for the next couple of days. The [nameless minions at the Unamed Hosting Service *sigh*] have finally gotten a buncha kinks worked out of the server with the problems, and I’ve managed to import most of the info into the new database, but I may have missed some comments/trackbacks in the transition.

If you have a comment/trackback that you submitted but which is not showing, please email me at mnmus-at-thirdworldcounty-dot-us with the info and I’ll make a way to handle it.


Personal Attacks? *pfui

Leftists, especially, like to whine on and on about “personal attacks” and bloggers and email listers have for years been accused of making “ad hominem arguments” …when often the whines about “personal attacks” and “ad hom” arguments are little more than misdirection attempts by wolves trying to pull the wool over sheeple eyes…

A “personal attack” that cites facts of a person’s actual words and deeds is not a personal attack at all, and anyone who makes arguments or accusation from FACT decrying someone\’s actual words and deeds need NEVER back down when falsely accused of making a “personal attack” that is a false accusation aimed at nothing less than OBSCURING relevant facts.

That\’s the kind of behavior Lefties like to pull on such folks as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: label relevant truth and fact-based opinion as “personal attacks” in an attempt to shout someone out of the public arena. Disgusting, but what can you expect from liars, poltroons and whiners?

ad hominem ad hominem [ahd hoh-mi-nem; Eng. ad hom-uh-nuhm]

1. appealing to one\’s prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one\’s intellect or reason.

2. attacking an opponent\’s character rather than answering his argument.

(Note the brief definition above recognizes the potential “positive” as well as negative appeals to emotion based on prejudicial circumcstances; most folks only think of ad hominem as regards negative statements about another to discredit the other’s argument, though.)

If I were to say, “Jean Fraud Kerry is a slanderer.” and then go on to say, “BECAUSE he is a slanderer, he is unfit for public office,” many would accuse me of making an ad hominem “attack” on JF Kerry. Not so. An (antipathetic) ad hominem attack, MUST argue that someone else\’s arguments, statements, etc., are necessarily false, untrue or invalid because of their special condition, a defect of character, racial, ethnic, religious background, relation to the matter under argument, etc.

Note carefully, that a factually-based accusation that Kerry is a slanderer and that this fault of character is great enough to disqualify him for public office is NOT an argument against his ideas, policies or arguments. It is itself an argument. “Proposed: character matters in choosing public servants, and demonstrable liars, hypocrites, slanderers, thieves and perjurers disqualify themselves by their choice of unethical behavior from “serving” in public office.”

That J.F. Kerry is–at the very least–a slanderer who gave false testimony (under oath? I need to re-read the copy of his testimony I have) before the Senate in his “Winter Soldier” testimony is a demonstrable and material fact, and is useful in the pursuit of this argument. So, correctly labeling him as a slanderer is in no way an ad hominem attack, but a legitimate statement of fact as a consequence of a larger argument.

Now, name-calling (my fav). Mass Media Podpeople. Academia Nut Fruitcakes. Congresscritters (politicians *spit*). All characterizations of classes of people that I have supported with factual citation in the past, demonstrating that these classes have earned the names I call them. If any in those classes don\’t like the names they have earned, let them change their behaviors.

‘ll deal with being rude–even roughly rude–with those who have earned the derisive disapprobation of any rational, ethical being in another post.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson\’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam\’s Blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Uncooperative Blogger ?, Conservative Cat, Wake Up America, Rightwing Guy, 123 Beta, Outside the Beltway, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, The Uncooperative Blogger ?, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate\’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe

We’re baaaack /OTP

Apologies for the downtime. “Internal Server Error” aused lack of access, yesterday. More below. THIS is an open trackbacks post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Apologies to anyone who attempted a trackback in the last day. Send failed tbs to me for me to include in a hard-linked roundup this weekend, OK?

Well, I know I shoulda asked Mama Diane*s*, first, but I jumped on a hosting package from [the Unamed Hosting Service] and followed through with specific directions from the friendly doof at Fatcow support (to make sure I did things their way). And the problems began piling up.


I’m back on “temporary” hosting at the “old” hosting account (not mine, a generous gift), and everything is temporarily OK, pending some “Level 2 Techs” at [the Unamed Hosting Service] finding someone competent to fix their server issues. Yeh, I have the emails from “Level 2 Techs” saying the problem IS fixed (though it was not). (And I have the error log showing where they didn’t competently do what they said they had done.) Lesson learned: NEVER switch a domain over until EVERTHING is confirmed to work properly. Silly me. But I did have some fun chewing new orifices for some folks who tried bullshitting me over the phone.

Clouds, silver linings and all that. All grist for a curmudgeon.

Oh, and the inclusion of this post in the “Sex!” category? That was just to see if anyone was paying attention. My sex: male. There. Now it’s a legitimate categorization.

T-13, 1.14: placeholder

After submitting a rough draft of my proposed T-13 to a few folks, I realized–from the feedback–that I need to state and refine the basis for the Thirteen I proposed posting. So, here’s a “placeholder thirteen”–

Thirteen things on my desk:

1. 2 computers (only 2 at present).

2. 2 monitors–both bulky CRTs with great resolution and display characteristics. But only two, even though one comp’s set up for multiple displays.

3. Yadayada–two sets of mice/keyboards. KVM switches

4. Three sets of speakers.

5. table lamp.

6. Palm cradle and Palm.

7. An 1880s vintage Buffet Clarinet (partially disassembled)

8. Decorative beer stein stuffed with an assortment of conductor’s batons.

9. A small stack of bare hard drives.

10. Printer

11. Phones

12. Couple of different kinds of surge suppressors and a UPS (yes, ON the desk, it’s 3’X6′)

13. A couple of spindles of CDRs and DVDRs, assorted spindles of already written optical media.

I could go on. But that’s what my desk is like when it’s “cleaned off”–*heh*

Pegged to the board at the Thursday Thirteen Hub

Troubling Poll Results

The American Family Association is conducting an online poll among a self-selected population that consists of folks who consider themselves “traditional values” kinda people (whatever that means). Here are the results so far:

Islam and America Poll Results

Do you consider Islam to be a peaceful religion?
Yes 3,525 No 47,880
Do you consider Islam to be a tolerant religion?
Yes 2,011 No 49,295
Would America be a better country if it were a Muslim country?
Yes 277 No 50,991
Should America place equal emphasis on the Koran and the Bible?
Yes 1,196 No 49,955
Would it be good for America to have more Muslims in elected offices?
Yes 1,248 No 49,739
Would you vote for a Muslim for president?
Yes 1,130 No 49,916
As a general rule, are women treated better in America than in a Muslim country?
Yes 46,789 No 4,306
Is America too dependent on Muslim countries for oil?
Yes 49,125 No 1,951
Do Muslim countries do more than America to help the poor?
Yes 1,180 No 49,576

What’s so troubling about these poll results? That ANY within a self-selected population of “traditional family values” would consider Islam a “religion of peace” (MHWA), tolerant, etc. Dumbasses. To call such a view stupid is an insult to stupidity. That it can be found at all among AFA readers/adherents is a sign that the Islamic Fifth Column’s disinformation—spread by Mass Media Podpeople, politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Loony Left Moonbats—is being allowed all too free a rein in the piublic arena.

Expect a post on something like, “When is it wrong to be polite?” sometime soon as a followup to this one.


Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The HILL Chronicles, The Random Yak, Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.