“It’s not us; it’s you”

My final (I promise!–Nah, I don’t :-)) post on the hosting/server “Internal Server Error” that made such a hash of the last two days here at twc…

So, an “engineer” (whatever that means in hosting service gobbledegook) finally addressed the CGI issue that I had repeatedly been told “is fixed” by others, and late last night, twc began working properly on my own, new, hosted account (thanks again for your generosity for the past year, Diane!).

So, what do I get from my [Unamed Hosting Service] this a.m.? Not one but two emails saying (in different words) the same thing, “We cannot find any problem loading your site. The problem must be on your end.”


1. The site is indeed working… now.
2. If the problem was ever on my end or “somewhere between your computer and our server” then it had to also be between their server and all the other computers I tried loading the site from, theri server and all the computers of other folks I had trying to load the site AND their server and the computers of all the people I talked to at their end who could not load the site either.

Pretty widespread to have been “somewhere between your computer and our server” dontcha think?

Dumbasses. Never even bothered to read the trouble ticket history. Never even bothered to simply check and see if it actually WAS the CGI reload fixing the problem.

Nope. No intellectual giants (or even midgets) or folks with decent work ethics sending me emails from that company…

Hmmm… I wonder if their customer service department is hired from the same pool that the TSA (Terminally Stupid Agency) hires from?

Nah. Can’t be. All these guys are in… Canada.

One more class of people deserving absolutely NO respect and absolutely NO polite response.

Open that can of whup-ass!

I admire Hugh Hewitt, Carol Platt Liebau, Alexandra von Maltzen, Dafydd ab Hugh and others for their even-tempered approach to discourse with the enemies of America–especially the enemies within. But sadly, I think the only folks they have a chance of reaching are those with moderately open minds; IOW, genuine liberals of which the Left currently seems to have NONE.

Time for the Celtic/Nordic heritage of berserker rage, folks (one genetically embedded in my being :-)).

Playing nicely with faux “liberals” (who care not a whit for genuine freedom of speech, the rights of individuals or frank, open discourse) and all their ilk—Mass Media Podpeople, fake conservative politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and the whole menagerie of liars, poltroons and traitors, Oh! My! who populate the Left—is simply and plainly a stupid thing to do. It’s like attempting to debate (pick your position) Aristotelian Positivism with a street thug intent on knifing (or shooting) you and stripping your corpse bare.

Continue reading “Open that can of whup-ass!”

Housekeeping Note

twc may be experiencing some ongoing wonkiness for the next couple of days. The [nameless minions at the Unamed Hosting Service *sigh*] have finally gotten a buncha kinks worked out of the server with the problems, and I’ve managed to import most of the info into the new database, but I may have missed some comments/trackbacks in the transition.

If you have a comment/trackback that you submitted but which is not showing, please email me at mnmus-at-thirdworldcounty-dot-us with the info and I’ll make a way to handle it.
