Daydream Believers

By: Angel

Next time your mind wanders during a dull meeting, don’t feel too guilty.

New research shows that when you are bored you simply cannot help daydreaming.
Scientists have found the brain has a kind of mind-wandering “screensaver” that automatically kicks in when it is idle and put on stand-by.
Daydreaming is the brain’s screensaver

This showed what when people performed mundane tasks, they automatically slipped into a day-dreaming state.

However as soon as they were given a new challenge their brain scans showed a different pattern and activity in the day-dreaming part of the brain suddenly stopped.

Hey. Pay attention. I’m talkin to you. Heh.

Seems that since our society puts so much emphasis on productivity, Daydreaming is considered a negative activity; well because it isn’t really an “activity”.

It’s non-doing.

But sometimes non-doing is exactly what we need.

And as we all know, daydreaming can be so relaxing.
Let’s face it. Our minds need a mini vacation now and then don’t they?

What about thinking and “dreaming” of someone you miss.
That actually helps you feel close to them even in their absence.

So, this weekend..heck, let your mind wander a bit.

Don’t only think about chores you may have to do, or responsibilies.

Imagine things youv’e done or would love to do some day.

Imagine places your’ve been or would love to see some day.

Imagine people, from your past, from your present, or even from your future.

Youv’e earned that “vacation” , haven’t ya?

Crossposted at: Woman Honor Thyself who is imagining David defrosted and ready to take the helm again!