Honor Where Honor Is Due

Let me draw your attention to the comment quoted in the header of this blog:

“An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society that scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”—John Gardner

Consider that for a while as you use it to filter Angel’s post on New York chic. Oh, come back for the rest of this post, would you (otherwise, my wonderfully wise “philosophical” observations will have been in vain. *LOL*)

Back now? 🙂

Consider: who is more worthy to be honored?

The Mass Media Podperson who uses some (sometimes manufactured, completely fake) “facts” to tell a lie or twist a truth into a lie…


A blogger who hunts down facts, finds REAL witnesses and tells a truth, truthfully.

Both have a point of view, but the blogger does not disingenuously claim “journalistic neutrality”.

[Rhetorical question alert!] Which is worthy of our respect?

Which is due our respect:

A LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) speeds on the way to his coffee break (don’t say it ain’t so: I’ve followed MANY and confirmed they were spedding to nothing other than a fcoffee break, shift change or other NON emergency event that did not justify breaking the law). Due respect?*


A sanitation worker picks up your trash at 4:00 in the morning on a bitterly cold day. Due respect?

Of these two examples, which is worthy of honor?

Which is worthy of honor:

A politician (Jean Fraud Kerry, for example) who has uttered, on the record, serial slanders in order to pander to his (very base2) base?


Those he has serially slandered who have nevertheless served honorably?

I once knew a politician for whom I had some degree of respect. He was an adjunct professor during my undergrad years, teaching American history, Constitutional law and other related subjects. Sitting in bull sessions with him and other students, he was apparently open and always engaging. Clear, rational, open discussion of history, current events, etc., flowed in those sessions (and not incidentally formed a recruitment base for grassroots workers for his bid for the governorship of that state).

He served, I think, with distinction as governor, and it was not until his rise to the U.S. Senate that I began noting departures from his earlier-avowed principles. As time went on, he began to evidence to my eye the truth of that old aphorism about power corrupting those who have it…

And I think that’s a key in being wary of authority. Frankly, most statements and “authoritative” actions taken by those in media, in law enforcement and in politics today seem to be driven not by worthy goals, aspirations and desires but by the basest. May I once again, redundantly and repetitiously *heh* refer you to Samuel Francis speaking on anarcho-tyranny (loosely, the use of authority to both abuse common citizens and enable criminals)?

“Under anarcho-tyranny, the control of genuinely dangerous elements… is put on the back burner. The real problem is how to squeeze money out of ordinary citizens who will not complain, will not fight back…”

And this, of course, applies as equally to Washington D.C. avoiding dealing with violent crime while putting up “speedcams” to squeeze more revenue from the sheeple as it does to Mass Media Podpeoploe playing the “if it bleeds it leqads” card to create FUD (and suck up ad revenues) and politicians who want to cede U.S. soveriegnty over its own borders in order to pander to the illegal alien vote (and kid thyself not, they do vote… *sigh*)

*Want more examples of petty malfeasance by LEOs? Were I to catalog them on paper, they’d fill twc central to overflowing…

base2 –adjective 1. morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish; cowardly.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Adam’s Blog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Renaissance Blogger, Dumb Ox News, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Honor Where Honor Is Due”

  1. What a sweet post..ok, perhaps those werent the words u would like
    to be depicted by..lol..but I was always taught to honor the janitor
    at school as much as the principal…:) ty for the link and the
    great reminder to honor those whom deserve……

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