“The time has come for judgement to begin… “

The title of this post refers to the text of I Peter 4:17, a call to truth, justice, repentance. Take time to look it up and then read on…

Below is the text of an email from a “retired blogger” *heh* that I’m choosing to pass on, as he suggests, in email but also here:

The left continues their struggle to turn the liberation of Iraq into a defeat of our military by starting a petition for active duty service members to vote for surrender.


Blogger patriot Antimedia has taken up the challenge and started his own counter petition.

As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform and place my life on the line in defense of freedom, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to unconditionally support all American military forces and to cease denigrating us by comparing us with Nazis and followers of Pol Pot and calling us murderers. I further respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress not to abandon the Iraqi people as we so shamefully abandoned the South Vietnamese. The time for all Americans to pull together, take a stand for freedom and support us in the war on terror [sic] is long overdue.


Don’t let the left wing redefine the hard work and sacrifice of our men and women in Iraq as a wasted effort! Don’t let them make Baghdad into another Saigon! Please pass this e-mail on.


OK, Woody, it’s passed here (as well as to an email list).

Now, folks, what are YOU going to do with this? It’s time to call our representqatives to do justice, discover the true meaning of mercy (and I’ll give you a hint: it’s NOT appeasement! “Mercy” shown ONLY to the offender and not the victims is cruelty) and humility.

IOW, they need a swift kick in the pants, a slap upside the head or a strong right cross to get their attention and call them back (back? Most have never viewed their “service” as true servants ought) to actually serve the citizens of this country, instead of simply viewing us as sheep to be shorn… or worse, fleeced.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Dumb Ox News, The Random Yak, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Wednesday OTP/Oh, please, let it be so!

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Sharpton Considers Running for President

Having this crooked racist run as a Democrat would be all too fitting. Almost as fitting as having a serial slanderer and monumental dumbass in the running for the Democrats’ nomination. Oh, wait, it looks like that could happen, too!

Kerry Prepares Another White House Run

The only potential dark spot in these two creeps seeking to represent the Demicraps’ hopes in ’08 is that they could make Billary (Two crooks for the price of one!) Clinton and Barack Hussein (“Yeh, I was a druggie for most of a decade. So what?”) Obama look attractive… to dumbass Democraps who just aren’t paying attention (or do not have the mental or moral ability to do so).

Continue reading “Wednesday OTP/Oh, please, let it be so!”

Fair Tax:

by Debbie of Right Truth

John Edwards is running for president of the United States on his same old theme, ‘two Americas‘. He hopes to get votes by pitting the ‘haves’ against the ‘have nots’. He even chose New Orleans to make his announcement, with the unspoken message that the government failed the poor people and he has stepped in to be their savior.

Edwards is promising universal health care, pulling out of Iraq ,taxing oil company profits and eliminating President Bush’s tax cuts to pay for his priorities. Edwards is not alone in his thinking about the evil rich (of which he happens to BE ONE). Yesterday Thomas Sowell had a wonderful article that relates to this, titled ‘A Dangerous Obsession’.

Mr. Sowell picked up on the media, the left, and academia’s continuous obsession with “gaps” and “disparities” in income. ‘As one talk-show host put it, “It makes no sense” that a corporate executive makes over $50 million a year.’ Sowell says, “Ninety-nine percent of all the things that happen in this world “make no sense” to any given individual.”

If you cannot understand something as simple as making a lead pencil, why should you be surprised that you don’t understand why someone is making a lot more money than somebody else?

Moreover, if this obsession with income disparities is to be something more than mere hand-wringing or gnashing of teeth, obviously the point is that somebody ought to “do something” to change what you don’t understand.

That’s what the left, liberals, and Edwards wants to do. They want to correct what they perceive as something wrong, …some people having more money than others. And how would one go about correcting such an atrocity? That’s easy. Take away the excess from one, and give it to another. Or as Mr. Sowell puts it, “Usually that means that the government — politicians — should impose policies based on your ignorance of what is going on.”

Continue reading “Fair Tax:”