
After long (five seconds give [not] or take 4 seconds), I have decided that learning INTERCAL just isn’t gonna make the cut. Herewith some sample code:

(5) DO FORGET #1
DO .1 <- '?":1~'#32768$#0'"$#1'~#3 DO (1) NEXT DO :1 <- "'?":1~'#65535$#0'"$#65535' ~'#0$#65535'"$"'?":1~'#0$#65535'" $#65535'~'#0$#65535'" DO :2 <- #1 PLEASE DO (4) NEXT (4) DO FORGET #1 DO .1 <- "?':1~:2'$#1"~#3 DO :1 <- "'?":1~'#65535$#0'"$":2~'#65535 $#0'"'~'#0$#65535'"$"'?":1~'#0 $#65535'"$":2~'#0$#65535'"'~'#0$#65535'" DO (1) NEXT DO :2 <- ":2~'#0$#65535'" $"'":2~'#65535$#0'"$#0'~'#32767$#1'" DO (4) NEXT (2) DO RESUME .1 (1) PLEASE DO (2) NEXT PLEASE FORGET #1 DO READ OUT :1 PLEASE DO .1 <- '?"':1~:1'~#1"$#1'~#3 DO (3) NEXT PLEASE DO (5) NEXT (3) DO (2) NEXT PLEASE GIVE UP

‘Nuff said?

[OK, enough from the peanut gallery. I thought it was funny… *hmph!* Oh, well, enough lunchtime fun… ]

Trackposted to Stuck On Stupid, The Random Yak, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe, AND to The Trouble With Angels, where Diane’s midweek open trackback post is all that it’s cracked up to be…

Quick PSA–“Storm” Worm Variant Infecting Via Blogs

FWIW, from eWeek:

New Storm Worm Spreading Via Blog Posts

A Storm worm variant using both e-mail and Web sites to infect Windows-based PCs is injecting itself into the responses people are leaving on blogs.

Dmitri Alperovitch, principal research scientist at Secure Computing, told eWEEK that the worm is injecting itself into the operating system as a rootkit and is capable of intercepting Web traffic.

When a user with an infected system visits a bulletin board or posts to a blog, the worm inserts a malware into his or her comments. The line asks readers to look at a fun video and contains a link leading to a Web site where the malware is waiting to reinfect more users.

Check the article.

Wednesday OTA

Yep. A linkfest. May not be much else at twc today, so knock yourself out. Link to this post and track back.

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Meanwhile, via email (from HH), this (slightly edited) list of handy tips. *heh*

Eleven Step Guide to Being Handy Around the House [#11 is my fav]

1. If you can’t find a screwdriver, use a knife. If you break off
the tip, it’s an improved screwdriver.

2. Try to work alone. An audience is rarely any help.

3. Despite what you may have been told by your mother, praying and cursing are both helpful in home repair … but only if you are
working alone.

4. Work in the kitchen whenever you can … many fine tools are
there, it’s warm and dry, and you are close to the refrigerator.

5. If it’s electronic, get a new one … or consult a twelve-year-

6. KISS: Get a new battery; replace the bulb or fuse; see if the tank is empty; try turning the switch to “on”; or just paint over it.

7. Always take credit for miracles. If you dropped the alarm clock
while taking it apart and it suddenly starts working, you have
healed it.

8. Regardless of what people say, kicking, pounding, throwing, and shaking sometimes DOES help.

9. If something looks level, it is level.

10. The politician *spit* principle: If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success.

11. Above all, if what you’ve done is stupid, but it works, then it
isn’t stupid.

Once again, an appeal to illiterates

The big news of the past few days is James Cameron’s soon-to-be-aired film in which he claims to have debunked the ressurection of Jesus. I haven’t seen it, of course, since the release is not until Sunday this coming (of course), but if news articles discussing it are anywhere near to truthful, its only appeal will be to people so ignorant and unable to reason that it’s likely to appeal to the huge numbers of sheeple our so-called public education’s been hatching for years. Let’s let the film’s publicity flacks lead with its strong cards:

Archaeologists and clergymen in the Holy Land derided claims in a new documentary produced by James Cameron that contradict major Christian tenets, but the Oscar-winning director said the evidence was based on sound statistics [emphasis added]

…One of the caskets even bears the title, “Judah, son of Jesus,” hinting that Jesus may have had a son, according to the documentary. And the very fact that Jesus had an ossuary would contradict the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Cameron told NBC’S “Today” show that statisticians found “in the range of a couple of million to one in favor of it being them.” Simcha Jacobovici, the Toronto filmmaker who directed the documentary, said the implications “are huge.”

Who can spot at least one unwarranted assumption? Any hands waving in the back of the class? Hint: Jesus, or Yeshua, was long a popular name for Jewish boys. A little elemental biblical knowledge would reveal why. So, the “evidence… based on sound statistics” is B.S. Silly people. One would think that Jacobovici, an Israeli Jew who has spent much of his life attempting, without much success among literate people, to “debunk” Jewish history would know when he’s talking nonsense. I suspect, in fact, that he does and is simply being disingenuous to sell his product to cultural and historical illiterates.

As Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site that the film claims to be the burial of the Jesus of the New Testament says, “It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave. The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time.”

Oh, watch the thing if you want. The poor guy, Simcha Jacobovici, hasn’t been able to sell many copies of his tinfoil hatted book, The Jesus Family Tomb, and even con men have to make a living somehow, right? Heck, he and his lk have been pushing this story since 1996. All he had to do was keep pushing his story until he found a dummy like James Cameron to buy it. OK, “dummy” may be a little is too harsh. Guliible, certainly. Operating in waters above the level of his cultural literacy, absolutely. But “dummy” is a bit much… Just one more data point added to my observations of smart people doing stupid things and falling for the most outrageous cons.

Of course, one of the points of being culturally literate is that it aids in spotting such obvious chicanery. Doesn’t assure infallibility, but it sure does go a long way toward spotting the obvious cons.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Adam’s Blog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, Jo’s Cafe, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Tuesday Linkfest/Scoring Education

Note the brief reference to some significant information about education in the U.S. below.

THIS is an open trackbacks post. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Grades are rising but learning is lagging, federal reports find
High school students today have higher GPAs but lower skill levels, suggesting a failure of education reforms.

Yep, you read right: high school students are getting better grades than their counterparts 15 years previously, according to a data on high school students in the year 2005 compared to students in 1990.

And then there’s the gotcha: on standardized tests, reading skills are declining steadily (no surprise to readers of this blog… or anyone who’s been paying attention at all, at all) and math skills are lower than before, as well.

Move along. Nothing to see here but “No child gets ahead”…

Among other things, [Daria] Hall [assistant director of the Education Trust] said, the transcript study provided clear evidence of grade inflation, as well as “course inflation” — offering high-level courses that have “the right names” but a dumbed-down curriculum.

“What it suggests is that we are telling students that they’re being successful in these courses when, in fact, we’re not teaching them any more than they were learning in the past,” she said. “So we are, in effect, lying to these students.”

Well, duh.

[Expect me to refer back to this, as well as other information when I address the issue of public education in an upcoming “Mending Walls” post. Heck, just mark this place and I’ll just say something like, “Remember the decline in reading and math scores … ” *sigh*]

Guard the Borders: Sutton Withheld Exculpatory Evidence In Border Patrol Trial

By Darnell McGavock of Independent Conservative

As far as major finds in how badly the case of former US Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean was not only messed up, but intentionally tipped towards their conviction, legal experts say this is the biggest! The defense says that a document from the Department of Homeland Security confirms that two supervisors were on the scene the day an illegal immigrant drug smuggler claims he was shot in the butt. The defense is just finding out about this document, that US Attorney Johnny Sutton’s office had and did not reveal to them during the trial. This was all reported on CNN show Lou Dobbs Tonight last night. I’ve YouTubed the video and you can watch it below.

Why did Sutton’s office withhold exculpatory information?

Ramos and Compean said they never filed a report because supervisors were there. Sutton claimed otherwise in court. Their version of the story has now been verified and once again we see another obvious lie from the mouth of Johnny Sutton.

Jeffrey Toobin, CNN Senior Legal Analyst says this news is potentially major, as opposed to other news he does not feel is as impacting to changing the outcome of the case. Toobin says this moves things into a “new category” that may cause a new trial. Lou Dobbs says that Johnny Sutton “lied” when he said he had no choice but to offer immunity. And World Net Daily has found more information about illegal alien drug smuggler Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila still running dope into our country, after being given medical treatment at US taxpayer expense. This offense was gagged by the judge and the family of Ramos and Compean still refuse to even talk about it, for fear that Johnny Sutton will come after them.

We need and I mean NEED a full Congressional investigation of this entire case right now. We also need to know who in our government knew what, when and what orders they gave to Johnny Sutton and/or the judge. We need to know every single detail related to President George W. Bush involving this matter. It’s time to stop reading and start writing your congresspeople. We now have more than enough information to not simply be suspicious about this case, we know these men were set up!

Let me add a comment, taken from Samuel Francis’ excellent 2005 essay on anarcho-tyranny:

The state today is perfectly capable of enforcing laws against illegal immigration and catching and deporting the illegals who are already here… The state and those who control it clearly have the will to enforce those laws they wish to enforce. The state does not “fail” to enforce the rest; it has no intention of enforcing them nor any desire to do so…

Anarcho-tyranny is entirely deliberate, a calculated transformation of the function of the state from one committed to protecting the law-abiding citizenry to a state that treats the law-abiding citizen as, at best, a social pathology and, at worst, an enemy. Having captured the state apparatus, the anarcho-tyrants are the real hegemonic class in contemporary society, and their function is to formulate and construct the new “culture” of the new order they envision, a culture that rejects as repressive and pathological the traditional culture and civilization.”

The very fact that President Bush has intransigently refused to even review the facts of this case (at least it so appears, since his mouthpiece, Tony Snow, evidences woeful lack of knowledge and the president has yet to do the right thing and release these men), and his own administration has led the charge in railroading these men for doing their job and then lied about the circumstances to Congress, reveals that this administration has little regard for fullfilling its constitutional obligation to enforce the laws of the land whenever it runs afoul of the goals of the ricos who rule Mexico.

When “justice” is a lie, then we can add another data point to the similarity between the “great train of abuses” the Founders levied against King George and the steadily-growing train of abuses of our own current federal government–on every side of any aisle. What? You think the Democraps are any more interested in justice for Ramos and Capeon (or you or I) than the Republican’ts? Dream on.

Facing the Issues

Following on (kinda left-turn-inspired by :-)) Chaotic Synaptic Activity’s recent “stream of consciousness” post… I envision this post as one in a twelve or more part series. It’ll be filed under the Mending Walls category, because while I’ll focus on stating issues, I hope some discussion will eventually turn toward addressing these issues with possible solutions.

First and foremost, I believe the issues facing the U.S. are almost all stemming from a lack of moral values based upon time-tested Western Civilization values. “Moral values” you say? Yep. For quite some time, probably beginning as far back as the time period of Nathaniel Hawthrone’s 19th century slanders against Puritans, the tendency in these (dis)United States has been to redefine “morality” almost strictly in terms of sexual morality, and then to disparage such sexual morality as dehumanizing (or worse, as “merely” quaint, outdated, unrealistic).

Morality, though, encompasses much more than what contemporary Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and others have brainwashed American sheeple into thinking. First, and here’s where the sub rosa communist-socialist agenda of mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes find cause to reject morality for an easily disparaged subset, moral values require an ultimate arbiter of truth, and Western moral values have always appealed to a Judeo-Christian God as that arbiter. That is, of course, why Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes are in the forefront of those relegating God to the ash heap of superstition, even if only (if only!) by continually mis-representing people of faith.

Sidebar: it’s not only by misrepresenting Christians and their values in such Mass Media Podpeoples’ candy-coated cyanide pills as “Seventh Heaven” and “Touched By An Angel” and even more open slurs in other TV shows that distortion and misrepresentation of a couple of millennia of Christian thought (and a much longer span of Jewish thought) tears at the fabric of a “public faith” as practiced from the Founders on. No, it’s also by misrepresentation of other, non-Western, religions such as Islam that Mass Media Podpeople and their ilk attempt to destroy any sense of morality in America.

Oh? Well, what could be more immoral than the lies damned lies and Mass Media Podpeoples’ lies (the progression is intentional, with apologies to Twain) widely and continually propogated as truth (amid an atmosphere that also proclaims that all truth is subjective… except for the “truth” of anti-Western, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish lies)?

Consider: when Christians, for example, are regularly portrayed as candy-coated wimps or fire-and-brimstone bigots but rarely–if ever–as, well, Christians, while Islam and Muslims are NOT presented honestly, the whole cult getting a bye on the little thing of veneration for a founder who is the very prototype of the modern Islamic terrorist, then that alone is enlough to establish the fundamental immorality of the Mass Media Podpeoples’ culture.

Americans cannot be a moral people until we the people are first brought face to face with the reality that we are answerable to a Higher Power for our day to day behavior. We are answerable for our political choices, our business and financial decisions, our decisions in entertainment and leisure time.

Over at Thought Renewal, Lyn (formerly of Bloggin’ Outloud) has instituted a discussion of a recent book concerning the “law of attraction.” It’s a discussion worthy of our attention, IMO. One statement of the principle Lyn has noted (one that long predates the watered-down and more than slightly twisted restatement in the recent popular self help book) is a principle that former generations understood well, at almost a bone-deep level (because they were not biblical illiterates):

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” –Luke 6:38

In another post, he goes further and restates the principle with this citation of Galatians 6:7,

“You reap what you sow.”

Unfortunately, IMO, Lyn fails to cite the entire quote, and that is critical to understanding the “reap what you sow” aspect in this case, for every principle linked to faith, to moral conduct, to one’s normative daily behavior has attached both a blessing and a curse… and the choice is ours which it is. Here is the rest of the verse as not cited above:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

And that is the crux of the issue: the influence of Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes et al, says, “Your behavior is not linked to real consequences. Good and bad events in your life are not influenced by your moral choices. Life is capricious; you will not be held accountable for your actions.” Oh, MMPP and ANFs don’t always say such things blunty (although sometimes they do), but it is at least a the subtext of most of their product.

For example, what rational, moral (as in committed to truth, at the least) person, after reading the Koran and the history of Islam from the time of the Butcher of Medina (Mohammed) on, could not see that the so-called “radical” Islamic terrorist is simply an honest expression of the principles laid down by the life and teachings of the founder of Islam? That claims by Islamic apologists, both among Muslims and among the dhimmis in the West, that Islam is a peaceful religion are all lies?

Well, the obvious answer is there is no rational, honest person who can make such claims for Islam, but nevertheless, we are subjected to such lies on a daily basis.

And this is but one example of the chief failure of morality in our society today: lies–about the nature of people, about various cultures, about “political realities”, about nearly every aspect of public and private life are daily pushed upon us with very little in the way of public outcry calling for concemnation of the lies and the liars who propogate them. In fact, anyone who points out simple truths is calling for their own condemnation! Take for example Vice President Cheney’s recent observation that nancy Pelosi and her cadre of surrenderists are espousing al-Qaeda policy. A simple comparison of Pelosi comments with verified al-Qaeda pronouncements reveals that Cheney’s statement is factual, true. And for this he’s been roundly excoriated in the media.

Oh, my. What an evil person! He spoke the truth.

M. Scott Peck wrote some 20 years ago or so about “People of the Lie” (a pretty insightful book, IMO, and one with particular application to understanding the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind and politicians *spit* as a class) wherein he said that the truly evil “are masters of disguise and cloak themselves with masks of respectability, goodness and often piety.”

The Lie is central to the destruction of a moral culture, and it is by continually lying about darned near everything, continually selling the culture of The Lie that the culture of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind (almost entirely congruent with a culture of The Lie) makes its lies into reality, as sheeple ape the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind in their daily life, in everything from envy of the lifestyles seen portrayed on the dullertainment offered to the political agenda of the Hivemind as revealed in dullertainment and “news”-ertainment programs.

And art. I saw a segment of a public television show the other night featuring an “artist” who painted on wood using house paints. The “artist” was shown as an example of a modern primitive painter. The “artwork” displayed was crap. And that’s speaking kindly. The worst stuff I’ve seen in years. Presented as “art”. When the very idea of art is debased to such a level, is it any wonder that in performance art we have such excrescence as “rap”? (Go on: try to make a convincing argument that listening to rap “music” does not debase an individual. Try. Please.)

I suspect (well, no, I do not suspect; I know) I could simply use any of the traditional lists of “Seven Deadly Sins” (there’s a slight variation in the listing over the millennia :-)) as an outline for this post series, and perhaps I’ll reconfigure it that way, but for now, be forewarned that the series will likely contain references to how moral behavior impacts (in no particular order)

Immigration/border control policy
Essential liberties/lies from the Left… and the Right
The growth of anarcho-tyranny (and the death-by-inches of justice)
Islamic Jihad/GWOT
Education, so-called
Abortion, or “murder by euphemism”
Science and pseudo-science (a materialistic approach to truth)
Energy, productivity and responsible management of resources
Work ethic

And a few more.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Right on the Right, Mark My Words, basil’s blog, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, High Desert Wanderer, and Jo’s Cafe, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Monday Linkfest

Busy with other posts, life and all that. 🙂 You know what to do: Link to THIS post and track back.

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Dear John

No, this isn’t a post telling John McCain to get lost (although I certainly wish he would, the slimy anti-free speech political hack *spit*). This is just a min-semi-almost-rant and FYI.

Lately, I’ve been back up to a couple thousand SPAMs a day caught in my SPAM queue. In the past, I’ve spent time daily weeding through as much of the SPAM queue as I could in attempts to catch the few legitimate comments/trackbacks wrongly labeled as SPAM. But the task is taking too great a toll, now. With only about 3 legitimate comments/trackbacks per couple thousand in my SPAM queue, that’s about a 0.15% return on my time invested. Not worth it, even with setting the scroll rate rather high and skimming as fast as I can, no matter how much I appreciate your comments/trackbacks.

So, while I’ll ALWAYS continue to check the moderation queue, from now on, whenever there are 500 or more comments/trackbacks caught in my SPAM queue, I’ll just delete them all without skimming through to catch the almost vanishingly few legit comments/trackbacks. If you think a comment/trackback of yours has dropped down the SPAM hole, drop me a line via email or comment on the post you tracked back to (with a link to your tb’ed post, if it’s a tb) and I’ll fix it. Keep in mind, though, that your comment/trackback may be in my moderation queue, and I WILL get to it there, as I do attempt to check that queue several times a day.

FYI Trackposted to Pet’s Garden Blog, Right on the Right, Rightlinx, Woman Honor Thyself, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Pursuing Holiness, and Conservative Thoughts, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

On the bright side…

Imagine if this had happened in The People’s Republics of Massachusetts, California or Oregon…

“SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — A tour bus of U.S. senior citizens defended themselves against a group of alleged muggers, sending two of them fleeing and killing a third in the Atlantic coast city of Limon, police said on Thursday.”


…[Police chief Luis] Hernandez said authorities do not plan to press any charges against them, saying they acted in self defense.

“They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up,” Hernandez said.

Well, at least the rampant anarcho-tyranny plaguing citizens in this country hasn’t progressed (quite so far) in Costa Rica. If such an event had happened here, where Border Patrol agents can be railroaded into prison on trumped up charges simply for doing their job and substitute teachers can face 40-year prison terms for getting slammed by school district irresponsibility, the senior citizens (in their 70s) who defended themselves against armed robbery would likely have been slammed in the pokey, instead of commended for practicing their right of self-defense.

Anyone for retiring to Costa Rica, where goblins are apparently a no-tag, unlimited bag limit game? Maybe take along one of these? Or one of these? Nah. Both. In multiples.

It’s a thought, especially now that America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ has been invaded by WallyWorld, MacDonald’s and Disney has bought up a large tract of land. Moving to a third world (or even “second world” *heh*) country is starting to look more and more appealing. *sigh* Where disney goes, anarcho-tyranny is sure to flourish. Just ask all the folks under DRM threat. (Urm, that likely includes you, whether you know it or not.)

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Leaning Straight Up, Woman Honor Thyself, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.