Passing Shot

Passing lunch post…

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

I can’t claim the words as mine, and I wish I could attribute the quote, but such powerful… truth doesn’t need an authority figure for false validation, anyway.

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Not what we normally think of when we consider currency, but how true does it ring with you?

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Not nice, polite lies.

Not mealy-mouthed excuses.

Not political *spit* speech of any kind (it seems), as divorced from truth as that has become.

Things of value will one day rot or rust or break down.

“Friends” will desert us. (Well, the real ones know the truth of friendship and do not, except in death.)

Even our loved ones will die.

The one honest portion of that Unitarian Battle Hymn that Julia Ward Howe unintentionally included is that God’s truth is marching on (it just wasn’t the false “truth” her propoganda song was promoting in the Great Unitarian-Baptist Shootout).

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Consider that the next time you are tempted to tell a “white lie”–just whose feelings are you really sparing and what harm are you really doing by not telling the truth?

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

Consider that the next time you are tempted to give a politician (or employer or employee or fellow church member, family member or friend) a “bye” on an obvious lie told to your face. Consider how many OTHER people you are harming (including, ultimately, the liar himself) by not calling the lie what it is.

“Truth is the only currency which has any value.”

One Reply to “Passing Shot”

  1. Consider how many OTHER people you are harming (including, ultimately, the liar himself) thats a great line if ever there was one!..and thats no lie..heh.:)

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