The American Family Association is conducting an online poll among a self-selected population that consists of folks who consider themselves “traditional values” kinda people (whatever that means). Here are the results so far:
Islam and America Poll Results
Do you consider Islam to be a peaceful religion?
Yes 3,525 No 47,880
Do you consider Islam to be a tolerant religion?
Yes 2,011 No 49,295
Would America be a better country if it were a Muslim country?
Yes 277 No 50,991
Should America place equal emphasis on the Koran and the Bible?
Yes 1,196 No 49,955
Would it be good for America to have more Muslims in elected offices?
Yes 1,248 No 49,739
Would you vote for a Muslim for president?
Yes 1,130 No 49,916
As a general rule, are women treated better in America than in a Muslim country?
Yes 46,789 No 4,306
Is America too dependent on Muslim countries for oil?
Yes 49,125 No 1,951
Do Muslim countries do more than America to help the poor?
Yes 1,180 No 49,576
What’s so troubling about these poll results? That ANY within a self-selected population of “traditional family values” would consider Islam a “religion of peace” (MHWA), tolerant, etc. Dumbasses. To call such a view stupid is an insult to stupidity. That it can be found at all among AFA readers/adherents is a sign that the Islamic Fifth Column’s disinformation—spread by Mass Media Podpeople, politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Loony Left Moonbats—is being allowed all too free a rein in the piublic arena.
Expect a post on something like, “When is it wrong to be polite?” sometime soon as a followup to this one.
Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The HILL Chronicles, The Random Yak, Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.