On the road to ruin? Wednesday OTP

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May I submit for your consideration the following as evidence that America is sliding swiftly down the slipperly slope greased by Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left(tard) Moonbats, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and politicians *spit*:

Campaign (using taxpayer dollars, of course) to get Amish to accept food stamps.. Hmmm, “What can we do to convince a group of people to deny their heritage, turn their backs on the principles that are the bedrock of their culture and become suckling pigs feeding at the public teat?” Yep. Sounds about right, eh?


The fedgov had apparently been trying for most of a year to get Swift to stop hiring illegal aliens… had warned the company over and over and over again that a raid was coming. And still over 1,200 illegals were arrested in the sweep last month.

And all the jobs filled with Americans by the end of the month–jobs President Bush tells us Americans won’t do…

But has the fedgov clamped down in similar fashion on Tyson and others? Not yet. Oh, BTW, before the raid, over 400 Swift employees had taken their lil selves out of the picture and hotfooted it elsewhere–many of them taking their families home, where they are legal residents. Clamping down on companies that hire illegals (and congresscritters who do, for that matter) would do even more to create an actual defensible than simply building a fence and patrolling it.

Instead, we have the example of Swift NOT cleaning its own house because… well, who would believe that a fedgov presided over by an administration that has actually done LESS (by an order of magnitude!) than the Clinton administration to enforce immigration law would, well, actually, you know, take steps to enforce the law??? Who could blame Swift for not believing the promised raid would actually take place? The feds have shown much more interest in harassing common citizens for the past five years than in enforcing our borders.

The Imam Scam isn’t going to go away anytime soon, and it WILL end up making our country’s citizens less secure, if masses of citizens do not rise up and tell our congresscritters to grow some balls (or at least fake having some). One guess which way I think it’ll go… *sigh*

Need I go on?

More later.

Tuesday OTP/Why it is difficult to talk sensibly to (most) contemporary Americans

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Flannery O’Connor summed it up pretty well:

“When you can assume that your audience holds the same beliefs you do, you can relax a little and use more normal ways of talking to it; when you have to assume that it does not, then you have to make your vision apparent by shock—to the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.”

Since more and more Americans are stunted by poorer and poorer education, mind-numbed by mass media and drugged by consumerism, making rational arguments from fact is a difficult, and often impossible, task.

When talking to politicians *spit* blinded by massively greedy ambition, the task becomes much more difficult by several orders of magnitude…

Hence the shouting, chest-thumping, rock throwing and BIG BANGs that sometimes take place here at twc.

To get a mule’s attention, sometimes you first have to…

Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, Perri Nelson’s Website, Faultline USA, and Don Surber, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Welcome to 2007/OTP

Happy New Year!* This is third world county’s first open trackback post of 2007. It’s up to you to make it worth reading. Simply link to this post and track back.

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Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Well, 2006 began with a semi-large personal bang—Diane’s gifting of a new home and new togs for the old Blogger-based third world county. As 2006 wended its way filtered through twc curmudgeonry, recipes, gripes, commentary, linkfests, horses and fawns (yes, still the all-time “most read” post at twc–go figure :-)), and Mohammed in a Pink Dress all made their appearance here, along with appearances by multiple excellent guest bloggers.

2007 will feature more of the same, and even more (reasoned) curmudgeonry. Expect a post–soon–on why personal attacks aren’t always bad things, for example. *heh* No sugar coated truths or sugar coated lies here. (That’s one problem with talking nicely to barbarians, poltroons and politicians *spit*. With so much sugar coating going on, it’s sometimes difficult to discern between the truth and the lies, for many folks.)

So, hang on. We’re in for a bumpy ride. And I’m gonna be kicking and screaming and calling names all the way.


(And no, in spite of this post’s time stamp, I did NOT stay up to “see in” the New year. It can find its way on its own with no help at all at all from the likes of me.)

Trackposted to The Right Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Pursuing Holiness, and Madman Returns, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Continue reading “Welcome to 2007/OTP”