Be HonesT ’bout Po-rn


Pornography has become big business in the United States. You no longer have to go places to find it; it now finds you. Once confined to “dirty old men” and seedy areas of town, pornography has now penetrated the hotel room and home. The Internet and cell phone have made pornography accessible everywhere, all the time.

In a manner that the older generation of Americans finds scandalous, porn has become socially acceptable and lost its moral stigma.

The liberal defense of obscenity and pornography began many decades ago as a defense of great works of literature and of free speech.

It began as a defense of books like James Joyce’s Ulysses, Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterly’s Lover. But now some liberal advocates insist that all forms of sexual explicitness are equally deserving of legal protection and that no restriction of obscenity or pornography should be allowed.

Groups like the ACLU have taken the approach that pornography rights, like the rights of accused criminals, are best protected at their outermost extreme. This means is that the more foul the obscenity, the harder liberals must fight to allow it.

Pornography — The Real Perversion

Hustler features a good deal of gross and repellent material, such as its parody of Jerry Falwell having s-ex with his grandmother, or its picture of a woman being processed through a meat grinder.

The pornographer generally knows that he is a sleazy operator…. Typically such men do not even try and defend the social value of what they do, other than to point out that there is a demand for it. It is only the ACLU and its supporters who celebrate the pornographer as a paragon of the First Amendment and a contemporary social hero.

The liberal defense of pornography is even more perverted than the pornography itself.

The worst obscurities from which we suffer do not come from without, my sweet friends. They come from within.
So I implore upon you, let us not deceive ourselves about this.

Pornography is maliciously designed for women to be seen as objects.

Women have been seen in costume, or reference, even like an animal..the infamous.. Play-boy “bunny”, yet no one admits that this is tantamount to being reduced to an animal, because in pornography, it simply doesn’t matter.

A woman is always an object: An object of male desire.
She has no name. She is a “bunny” or a body part. And a dispensable one at that.

That is why it is so easy for men (and even duped women) to rationalize frequenting strip clubs, because, after all, the girl or woman is just a pair of legs or breasts, and supposedly, she is there of her own free will.

But no sane man or woman want their daughter “performing” like that, so why is it sanctioned to support someone else’s daughter in her own spiritual and psychological demise?

Pornography has always violated women indirectly and directly.

Women, who refuse to tolerate it or engage in it are still affected by the sexual inequality that it effectively maintains.
Consider the entertainment industry. Women in music videos are portrayed as “whores” and called “hoes.”

Men and boys are portrayed as using these women in much the same way they display their “bling”, or car.

For young girls to even embark upon a career in film or the arts, they compete with those girls who pornify themselves, and are thus perceived as having the “edge” with men.

Sexual mistreatment and rape are legitimized. Not to mention that even the “normal” s-ex they portray is so incredulously unrealistic and are not the things that women like, or for the most part that women want.

Sorry to disappoint those who justify the whole “se-x industry” as innocent “enjoyment”, but the vast majority of women in the “industry”..are victims of torture, death threats, humiliation, sodimization, and rape. Look at stats for women trafficking if you remain a naysayer.

And for all those duped into believing that women who tolerate pornography, or strip clubs are “sexually liberated women”, that is the bag of goods that pornographers sold to the public, and that the public eagerly bought.

Perhaps some guy hopes that one day the girl of his dreams could be as “liberated” as that girl on the screen too eh. Yes, she must strive to please at all costs, even personal costs of her self respect and her very humanity.

It may be through a video or more likely through a computer screen, but make no mistake, pornography is a technologically sophisticated method of trafficking women. (men and children too.)

Pornography makes female objectification and subordination er-otic, and se-xy.

If one’s masculine values find a way to justify that…I would re-think just how much of a “man” you truly are.


Crossposted at: WomanHonorThyself

Donate for Free? Yep, You Read That Right…

So get to clicking! The VA Mortgage Center is sponsoring a contest for the best Military Blogger…$3000 to the winner, and $250 to each of the next ten runner’s up.

From Fuzzilicious Thinking:

Yup. You can donate $3,000 to Valour-IT without giving up a cent.

As part of its marketing campaign, a new website is having people vote for their favorite milblogger. Any milblogger who finishes in the “Top 10” of voting will receive $250…. but the winner will receive $3,000!

FbL is pushing Black Five’s blog. Matt has already stated he will directly pass through all prize money to Valour-IT.

So…we can pile on Matt’s blog and propel him through the finish line at the top and for nothing but a little time to go HERE and click on Black Five.

Also, Neptunus Lex has also committed to send winnings to those who have helped us, too. Maybe we can leverage the total for Valour-IT into $3250!

Get on it!

Update: Sgt Hook sez he’ll use the money he wins to get to the 2007 MilBlogger’s Conference (MARK YOUR CALENDERS NOW! 5/5/2007 – DC AREA!), so I’m torn as to who to vote for. I’d love to meet Hook in real life…Matt, well, I shook his hand last year….so…go forth and help a worthy cause of your choice.

Times change

This morning while driving the Darling Munchkin to school, I had my iPod playing, and an old song by Styx, from their Grand Illusion album, started playing… and I was taken back to when I wasn’t much older than ten (I was 14), and Styx was one of my favorite groups!

I remember having the radio on all the time. I remember stacking six albums on my record player, and turning it on low as I went to sleep. I remember going to the record store and flipping through album after album, looking for Manfred Mann’s the Roaring Silence so I could have “Blinded by the Light” in my collection.

I remember not worrying about seatbelts. I remember going trick-or-treating in my neighborhood and not even needing to worry about being kidnapped. I remember riding my bike to and from the club pool, and sneaking in after dark (after I had my license) to go skinny-dipping. I remember walking from my school to the Avenue (after school – I was a good girl, LOL), and being picked up by one of my teachers and given a lift.

I remember paying $1.95 for a nice, thick paperback novel. I remember Daddy bringing home a calculator that added, subtracted, divided and multiplied, and had one memory… And was the size of a typewriter. Hey, I remember typewriters!

As I talked to the Munchkin about all this, I realized all the things she’s growing up with that I had no clue were coming: computers, the Internet, cable TV, stalkers, terrorism…

And I told her that I now understood (yeah, just NOW) how much my parents worried about me as I was growing up – their childhoods were very different from mine, too. Just as I look back on all the freedoms I had that I don’t dare give to the Munchkin today, they must have looked at all the changes that happened in their lifetimes and been deeply concerned about my welfare.

The Munchkin’s fenced areas are now both narrower and broader than my restrictions were. The Beloved Husband and I want our child to grow up secure but aware, confident but careful, and loved but disciplined. Today, I got smacked in the face (again) with how hard that is.

Don’t worry, Mom and Dad. We’ll take care of your favorite (only!) granddaughter. We’ll watch over her, love her, guide and teach her to the best of our ability. God willing, in twenty or thirty years, she’ll be talking to her own children and remember our conversation this morning… And will have the same fierce, protective desire to love, cherish and guide her children into the future as her parents did before her.

(Crossposted from CatHouse Chat)

Hey rube!/Tuesday OTP

Not on my own computer. Not on my own ISP. Not in America’s Third World County, even. *sigh*. No broadband, no power, can take. (Barely) No water? Survivable. No backup dialup, even? Not survivable. *heh* Yep. Lost a BUNCh of large braches off the stand of 60′ tall sycamores in the back yard testerday/last night. Took our POTS drop line with them.

I’ll be asking the folks with posting priviledges here at twc to fill in this week. Consider this an open trackback post until further notice, OK?

Be sure to check Linkfest Haven Deluxe for all the latest linkfests!