No Posts For You! (With an Apology to Soup Nazi Fans)

Ice storm. Broadband (heck, cable TV–no real loss there) down. 28.8 backup dialup. (Essentially, “no access” *heh*)

See ya later when I’m not in a chokehold on sloooooowwwww dialup. Y’all play nice now, y’hear?

Mini-micro update: Well, ALL power is out, now–across the whole town, apparently. Went down just as I had finished paying for a fillup on my car. Folks pumping gas at the time? Stuck holding the bag, cos power’s not coming back on for a while, apparently.

Here updating w/my Wonder Woman’s ntebook, on battery power, via dialup…

Been having “Summertime” melody floating through my mind, whstling it, etc… while scraping windows, freezing my ____ off outside, while pumping gas, etc. About time t’ be thankful for a gas water heater (recall last summer’s “water heater installation from hell”?).We can always jump into a nice, warm tub and defrost…


Have to use candles or break out the oil lamps, though…

Nice day for snuggling. (*Oh Joy!* :-))

Well, probably oughta save WW’s battery. TTFN.