Open that can of whup-ass!

I admire Hugh Hewitt, Carol Platt Liebau, Alexandra von Maltzen, Dafydd ab Hugh and others for their even-tempered approach to discourse with the enemies of America–especially the enemies within. But sadly, I think the only folks they have a chance of reaching are those with moderately open minds; IOW, genuine liberals of which the Left currently seems to have NONE.

Time for the Celtic/Nordic heritage of berserker rage, folks (one genetically embedded in my being :-)).

Playing nicely with faux “liberals” (who care not a whit for genuine freedom of speech, the rights of individuals or frank, open discourse) and all their ilk—Mass Media Podpeople, fake conservative politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and the whole menagerie of liars, poltroons and traitors, Oh! My! who populate the Left—is simply and plainly a stupid thing to do. It’s like attempting to debate (pick your position) Aristotelian Positivism with a street thug intent on knifing (or shooting) you and stripping your corpse bare.

What we need is not more polite discourse with such scum (see my position on “Personal Attacks” *pfui*”) but bare knuckled brawling. OK, verbal “bare knuckled brawling”—but gloves off, hard hitting in language they can clearly and unequivocally understand.

That means descending to vugarity at times, because, in genuine “respect” for the much-vaunted multi-culti values of the Left, we must use the degraded speech it best understands.

(BTW, also see my very, very brief tangential discourse on the rampant subliteracy and dumbing down of society that blurs the lines between once very clearly defined differences between profanity, vulgarity and obscenity. If you do not already know the clear distinctions, shame on you and everyone who has had a hand in misteaching you. *heh* Now, go and sin no more.* :-))

Frankly, people who have demonstrated that they are scum (habitual and deliberate liars, slanderers—of course Jean Fraud Kerry is now so deep in denial he’ll never find redemption—avowed, at least by their demonstrated behaviors, enemies of their own country, etc.) IOW, all those referred to in the opening paragraph, deserve and should recieve NO respect, NO courtesy, NO polite responses to their lies, slanders and ongoing attempts to turn America into Mexico del Norte or The New Caliphate. What they each and every one ought to hear each and every time they open their mouths is a resounding cry of “Bullshit!” from Americans far and wide.

What they each and every one need to experience, for the good of our country and our children and grandchildren to come (and, of course, for the good of their own shriveled souls :-)), is to be hounded from the public arena with cries of derision and abuse heaped upon their heads until they at least consider calling up Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether themselves to order a catered event in their honor… After the mess is cleaned (and the burns healed) sackcloth and ashes for the rest of their miserable existences would be the only fitting end to their lives.

But since we cannot hope for the best of all possible worlds, where justice would genuinely prevail, and in its generosity the American public would offer such a merciful end to these miserable worms, the very least we can do is raise the cry of “Bullshit!” and throw it in their faces at every opportunity.

The Florida Masochist has one of my very favorite ongoing features among bloggers, his Knucklehead of the Day Award (even when I take rare, very rare exception to an occasional post… though not the example linked :-)). But he is far, far, FAR too gentle with these liars, slanderers and poltroons, IMO. What’s needed for each and every one of them is a complete “dissing” on the order of Rathergate10.

At least.

Polite discourse? A (metaphorical) slap in the face with a rotting fish is too kind for such as these. (metaphorical *sigh*) Brickbats (sadly, metaphorical in today’s completely wusified society, where the very thought of a child drawing a picture of a gun or knife sends adults running in a tizzy from the room) are more in order. And when they whine, as they inevitably will, about being the target of “personal attacks” the only appropriate response is, “So? You got your own lil dissing party the old-fashioned way: you earned it. Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.”

Trackposted to Wake Up America, Stop the ACLU, Rightwing Guy, Faultline USA, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Diggers Realm, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, and Jo’s Cafe, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Yeh, I included this under the “Sex!” category again, cos, well, I belong to one of the two (or three if you count some Hollyweird celebrities and congresscritters) sexes that we know of in the human race…

BTW, there are others who have earned loud, raucous and unceasing dissing parties. Fake scientists who censor–or “crucify”–real ones (think: neodarwinist dogmatists, global climate alarmists, “Big Bangers” and others), phony baloney religious leaders who slander their own religion by their existence (I won’t mention any names, but, IMO, an obvious call–initials only–would be P-a-t R-o-b-e-r-t-s-o-n) and many others belong in the “Never-ending Dis ’em” crowd.

Repeat after me, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more” until you begin to get into the spirit of the thing.

*As one dear saint told me once concerning that most common of vulgarities, “I never could understand the problem with saying ‘shit’. I grew up on a farm and was always stepping it it.” Her wisdom has lived with me ever since, and it comforts me whenever I contemplate the tirals and tribulations of our erstwhile neghbors who were named Shatwell, after an ancestor with good bowell movements.

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