What Is John Kerry Thinking?

I was about to post on this topic under the title “Pants on fire…” as in “Liar, liar… “. But I got a newsfeed notice from The ral Ugly American and checked it out. Whaddaya know! Rick had already posted darned near the post I was mulling over. So I asked him to drop on by and crosspost it here. Here ya go, Rick of The Real Ugly American on Jean Fraud sKerry’s latest lies. —twc

First I read this post at Patterico where his off the record meeting with LA lefty blogs is all over the net. HT/ Hugh Hewitt. Do they not understand what off the record means or was this supposed to be a “wink wink” type of off the record meeting? You know the kind of “off the record” where the hard core left blogs can tell the minions “Kerry is one of us” but Kerry can deny having ever said it when a MSM talking head asks him about it.

Anyway here is the winning line from the “off the record” meeting:

At some other point he referred to Supreme Court Justices Alito, Scalia, and Roberts as “Idiots”

Now that may play well with the moonbats but its going to cost him votes with everyone else.

Then I read this post at Decision08 that has links to several posts further debunking, or reiterating the absurdity of many of John Kerry’s war stories including this post by Thomas Lipscomb at Real Clear Politics.

 Zernike appears to have made no effort to look at any record besides listing Kerry’s latest assertions with obligatory quotes from the usual Swiftie suspects to provide “balance.” She doesn’t appear to be aware of the hilarious inconsistency of the Kerry hat story she recites dutifully as if this was the very first time the hat had appeared in print. As the clips should have shown her, Kerry first pulled the famous hat out of a “secret compartment” for Washington Post reporter Laura Blumenfeld’s feature story in 2003. “My good luck hat,” Kerry told Blumenfeld, “given to me by a CIA guy.” Now he tells Zernike a “special operations team” member gave it to him on a secret “mission that records say was to insert Navy Seals” in February.

Orders for sensitive incursion operations like this don’t appear by magic. And an individual boat commander, whether it is Kerry or anyone else, doesn’t simply head across a border with a boatful of Seals on his own. Kerry’s direct commander at An Thoi, George Elliott, has denied ever being asked to run such a mission out of his base and three of Kerry’s PCF 44 crewmen have denied ever being in Cambodia with Kerry.

Tedd Peck, accompanied Kerry’s PCF 44 on his PCF 57 from Cam Ranh down to their new assignment at An Thoi where they arrived on December 8, 1968. Peck served there with Kerry until he was wounded and med-evaced out on January 29, 1969. Douglas Brinkley states that “Kerry liked Peck.” So what does Peck have to say about secret missions out of An Thoi to Cambodia? “There never was one. And I never saw a Navy Seal at An Thoi the whole time I served there with Kerry”

Some advice for John Kerry, stop embarassing yourself. You are never going to be president (thank God). Just shut your yap and you can be the Senior Senator from MA as soon as Ted Kennedy is entombed for as long as you want the title. Keep it up and someone might just uncover a lie of yours thats big enough to cost you your Senate seat as well as your presidential dreams.  



Captain’s Quarters has some good questions for NYT reporter Kate Zernike who filed the glowing Kerry report:

One would think that after eighteen months, if anyone wanted to dredge this up again, a reporter would want to do so in order to achieve more clarity on the allegations. Instead, Zernike used these as a platform for Kerry to make even more unsubstantiated statements, such as the notion that he and his supporters had gathered evidence that would show all of the charges made by the SBVFT as baseless lies. Wouldn’t a reporter ask to see that evidence? Wouldn’t that kind of scoop put her on the top echelon of the media? Instead, Zernike did little more than take dictation from Kerry and his cohorts, as Lipscomb repeatedly demonstrates.

There are two obvious answers to the Captian’s questions. 1. She is incompetent. Or 2. She is biased.

Rick, you missed a third option: she could (and seems to be) incompetent AND biased. *LOL*

Oh, and

This post is X-posted from The Real Ugly American. Be sure to drop by Rick’s place and check out the rest of his blog, ‘K?No_sKerryBS.jpg


Guard the Borders: The Pernicious Myth of Reconquistas

I was about to put fingers to keyboard and flesh out some thoughts I had last night about borders, sovereignty, a government’s responsibility to its citizens, etc., but then today’s mailbox revealed a post submitted for the blogburst by LomaAlta (Linknzona), with a forward by Heidi (Euphoric Reality). For those of y’all who’ve missed my comments about Linknzona before, let me repeat: THE must-read of the blogosphere on border issues. Read his article below, then visit the site and read ALL his posts on the issues surrounding control of our borders.

Foreword by Heidi at Euphoric Reality

From Spanish-speaking illegal workers, to angry tenured professors and arrogant politicians, we are hearing more and more tenets and demands from a movement called Reconquista. The movement, once dismissed as extreme racist rhetoric, has rapidly gained traction and momentum among millions of ill-educated illegal aliens and well-established Mexicans alike. Reconquista gives voice to the angry demands of present-day Mexicans who mistakenly think they have indigenous rights to the land of the Southwestern United States – which they claim was “stolen” by an imperialist American government. The centerpiece of their agenda is the mythical Aztlan

(Read the rest of Heidi’s foreword here

Clearing Up A Misconception About Reconquista
by Loma Alta


Spain conquered what was to become modern Mexico and part of the southwestern United States in 1521. Spanish rule lasted 300 years until 1821 when Mexico gained independence. Mexico ruled what is now part of the southwestern United States for a very, very short time. Mexico ruled Texas from 1821 until 1836, some 16 years. Mexico ruled California from 1821 until 1846, 26 years. Mexico ruled most of New Mexico from 1821 until 1848, 28 years, and the southern most portions of Arizona and New Mexico until purchased by the United States in 1853, 33 years. The United States began ownership of these territories in 1845 (Texas), 1846 (California), and 1848-1853 (New Mexico and Arizona). Thus the United States has owned this land since 1845-1853, 153-162 years.

The ownership has thus been: Spanish 1521-1821 or 300 years; Mexican 1821-36 to 1853 or 16 to 33 years; and American 1845-1853 or 154 to 162 years. Almost all development and modernization came under United States ownership. Please see Spain, Mexico, Texas, California, and New Mexico-Arizona for more details.

Comparison of Ownership Time and Development.

Spain owned the area for 300 years and operated it as a colony. The central area, and most developed part was around Mexico City with much of the current southwestern United States being the frontier, relatively undeveloped, and subject to Indian raids and predations. The situation was much the same in the very, very short period, 16-33 years, of Mexican ownership. With the United States ownership, 154 to 162 years, beginning as territories, exploration and development proceeded rapidly and modern civilization came with, or shortly after, statehood.

The Absurdity of Reconquista.

Whether by time of ownership or degree of development and civilization, Mexico had virtually no temporal or civil weight of authority in the southwestern United States. Mexico never really established military or civil control over the area and it was never really a normal part of Mexico, but was always the frontier with vast expanses of nearly unexplored and lightly inhabited regions far from Mexican rule and authority. So tenuous, unpopular, and corrupt was Mexico’s presence and claim to the areas, and the Mexican government so hated by American and Mexican pioneers alike, that it only lasted from 16 to 33 years.

Thus, Reconquista is another myth, promulgated for racist reasons (it is the spawn of Mexican supremacist groups such as La Raza – literally “the Race”) much as the Germans’ “Lebensraum”, or living space, was for the master race. And, Reconquista is equally racist and equally the deranged product of irrational hate groups.

Therefore, we can dismiss the concept of “Reconquista” as a racist, hate group concept that has no place in America, or in any other just and tolerant society or country. There is no need to give any credence whatsoever to the false and meritless claims of any moral attachment to territory by radical, racist groups. They are as phony as last year’s bird’s nest.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

Write-your-own TWC Post today/Open Trackbacks

Yep. Monday’s Open Post. Consider it a “write-your-own third world county post” OK? Just link to this post and track back.

More later. I’m busy exploring Vimeo. There are some awefully creative folks posting short clips there. Fun time-waster. Back later. 🙂

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven