Salty HalaL in AussielanD


“A Mus-lim prisoner successfully sued a state government in Australia $2,000 dollars because the halal meat he was given in jail was not fresh, authorities have said.

State Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence said the man, who was serving an eight year prison term for a child sex offence, had been given tinned halal meat because fresh meat slaughtered according to Is-lamic traditions had been too expensive and difficult to source.
Mus-lim prisoner wins damages over halal meat continues..
“So the prison authorities made the compromise and bought him tinned halal meat, but he complained that it was too salty and too fatty,” she told national radio.

The man, a Mus-lim of Pakistani descent, cannot be named for legal reasons. He was released last year on parole after serving five years of his sentence.”

Yes. You are sane and you are reading this.
Just how how deeply has dhimmitude penetrated into Western thinking that the Australian government can even begin to countenance this pedophile’s claims?
It is only the mentality of dhimmitude ,a uniquely, perverse Izlamic institution of religious apartheid, which has been countenanced by Liberals and implemented for over a millennium across three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa without so much as a peep, – that can explain this behavior.

Nations under Muzlim tyranny, I mean “rule”, still implement these policies toward their non-Muzlim populations. (a.k.a. Christians and Jews)

Christians, (and Jews) affectionately known by their Muzlim buddies as “infidel” populations were historically forbidden to ring church bells, build new places of worship, testify in Muzlim courts, or dress like Muzlims.(oh that one really bites.)

And now Australia epitomizes multiculturalist myopia.
Fourteen centuries of Izlamic history include religious violence and terrorism. Has someone in Aussieland forgotten the agenda?.. Jihad is nothing but an offensive war to establish the hegemony of the Sh-aria in the free world and to inflict dhimmi status on all non-Muzlims.

His meat was “not fresh”????

A known pedophile free to roam, rape and molest more children.
You think he knows the meaning of “fresh”?

Shame on Aussieland for not executing him with his fatty, salty halal in hand.

Seen at :Woman Honor Thyself

Blogfathers Day approaching/Tuesday Open Trackbacks

Tuesday’s Open Trackbacks Post. Link to this post and track back.

Most of you (all right, those of y’all NOT “born” in a cabbage patch :-)) are probably aware that Fathers Day is this coming Sunday, June 18.

Well, that’s also when I designated last year (here and here and here, among other posts) as Blogfathers Day. It seemed both appropriate and handy to appropriate Fathers Day for Blogfathers Day as well. (And I don’t often get to use “appropriate” in those two senses in one sentence, so appreciate that, too, eh? :-))

Do make time this week to post about your Blogfather, send an email of appreciation and maybe even comment on your own Blogfathers blog.

Oh, you do know what a Blogfather is, don’t you? It’s really kinda sex-linked, like Blogmother, ya know, but in this case if a guy encouraged you, helped you start off blogging, kinda “parented” you through your first Blogbaby Steps and such, well, that’s your blogfather.

Show some appreciation, wouldya? I’d like to join in, but the closest I have there are some very good blogbrothers (and sisters) and two fine Blogmoms.

And spread the word about Blogfathers Day, wouldya?


As I said, this is an open trackback post. Link to this post and track back.

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven