Always something new…

Here’s an interesting lil tool for bloggers: Flock Browser. I’m using it to write this post, even though I haven’t really explored the functionality much, yet (inserting pics, media files and fine-tuning html, etc.—haven’t a clue about doing thaose things via Flock, yet).

It seems to be a reasonably responsive browser, reasonably good 9so far) at page rendering, etc. Don’t know yet if it has all the functionality Opera has taught me to expect from a browser. But I do like this lil WYSIWYG popup blog editor.

Ah, just looked at the bottom of this window (duh!). “Editor” is this WYSIWYG view and “Source” gives me html fine-tuning views I like. Very nice. Now, if I could only use my sooper-dooper editing plugins… There’s no real blockquote function in the lil toolbar, but it has an indent function that gives a similar effect (and i can always add the blockquote tag in the Source view, it looks like).

None of the category or timestamp or trackback functions show (yet–maybe after some fine-tuning in Options). Ahh, categories show up when I hit the Publish button.

Maybe good enough for a quick post.

Apart from the blogging utility, it pretty much looks like recent Firefox iterations, and indeed, it installs Firefox extensions (with the typical install facility, behavior and possible browser breakage of Firefox extension installs *heh*).

So, just a Firefox wrap/enhancement like so many Internet Exploder-based browsers? Looks like. Still interesting, if only for the integrated blogging utility…