Who Do You Wanna Grow Up to Be?

This is designed to be the blogosphere’s shortest (as far as I know) meme pool tag game. One simple question; one simple answer:

What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be?

OK, I’ll go first. Becker. His wit, charm and sensitive personality are my role model in life.


Rules of the game:

1.) Ask and answer the question, “What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be”? (Yeh, I know you’re asking yourself, so the rhetorical form oughta be “What… do I want to grow up to be?” but it’s my game so I’m screwing with the English language the way I want to, so there.)
2.) Tag three people.
3.) Link and track back to the post that tagged you.
4.) List and link to the three people “upline” from you: your tagger, their tagger and the person who tagged the person who tagged you.

Since this lil blogosphere meme pool tag game is so extremely simple, I’ve attempted to make the rules as convoluted as possible to make up for alla the work you DON’T have to do coming up with a post.

Why not?

First Round Tagees:

Woody of Woody’s News and Views
Diane, of Diane’s Stuff
Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself

That’s all.

Oh, if you feel left out like the last kid picked for a side in dodge ball in grade school, drop over to one of the three tagees and ask for a hit.

Well, Diane certainly waxed prolix w/this puppy, proving that “The blogosphere’s shortest meme pool tag game” can be made into one of the longest if played by a real pro. 🙂

If only… *sigh*

If only the occasional piece of satire were reality. Like this one:

China Calls In U.S. Loans, Demands California
Golden State could become Middle Kingdom’s east coast

*sigh* It’s be a series sweep for the U.S. Just think on it a second: Wipe out U.S. debt to China and essentially no change for The Red Coast* (save that CA would no longer be a haven for Mexican illegals—*heh*). The few hardy genuine American citizens remaining on The Red Coast* would need to be repatriated and recompensed in some way, but think on it: Hollyweird would actually become less anti-American and communist than it is now!

*Red Coast, of course, refers to the communist bent of most of California. I never could understand how so-called conservatives got tagged with the “red” label so strongly associated with communism in the 20th century. Go figure.

It’s for the Childrenâ„¢

Below is a retread of a post from my Blogger days. Feel free to critique, scream, rant or flame all you want.

Of the top five problems I see in “prisons for kids” (also disingenuously called “public schools”) today, every level of administration has to rank close to the top. I have been privileged to know two intelligent and capable principals. Neither are principals, now. One retired and another was promoted to his level of incompetence. The rest? Object lessons in how idiots, bullies and poltroons suck up public funds.

While I have never found the axiom “Those who can do; those who can’t teach” to be a universal truth (I know some very fine teachers), I know of only two exceptions to this axiom: “Those who can teach bust a gut to do so in the face of almost overwhelming opposition from theose who can’t teach: administrators.”

Of course, many who can teach simply leave in the face of such overwhelming opposition to teaching/learning, often leaving a sad mix of beaten down teachers and lazy (and sometimes even stupid) bums putting their time in until retirement.

*Remove remote dictates to local schools. And invite to a “tea party” then shoot (or hang, I don’t really care) the politicians and bureaucrats who attempt to insinuate themselves into local schools from afar.

*Fire (or hang, for all I care) all the administrators (and mourn for the few good ones caught in the housecleaning).

*Require responsible behavior from both students and parents (dump –“viciously” prune from the student body– students who refuse to learn. Put ’em in labor camps for all I care.)

*Sweep out the bums marking time to retirement. Buying them out would be better than letting them stay. (“Three generations of idiots is enough” *heh*)

*Burn to the ground all the colleges’ and universities’ education departments. Send the professors to labor camps to work alongside with the products of their theories.

I know this may sound a bit harsh, but It’s For the Childrenâ„¢, so surely it’d fly… All one need to is repeat the mantra over and over, It’s For the Childrenâ„¢… It’s For the Childrenâ„¢… It’s For the Childrenâ„¢…

And you know the really neat thing? Since Judge Greer has laid down the principal that severely mentally/physically handicapped people can be… capped, all that would be needed to get the ball rolling would be for a judge to declare some “school” administrators to be in a “Persistant Vegetative State” and there we are! I’m sure that after that, we’d have “education” professors lining up and begging for slots in work camps… Neat, huh?

Ranting and throwing crockery all over the place at TMH’s Bacon Bits, Woman Honor Thyself

An Earth-Shattering Solution/Weekend OTA

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post, open all weekend. Link to this post and track back. More below the “Earth-Shattering Solution” to a large part of the illegal immigrant invasion…

I recieved this in email. Sounds like a reasonable response to a terrible tragedy…

Just suppose…

A big earthquake with the strength of 8.1 on the Richter scale hits Mexico. Two million Mexicans have died and over a million are seriously injured.

The country is totally ruined and the government doesn’t know where to start with asking for help to rebuild.

The rest of the world is in shock.

Canada sends troops to help the Mexican army control the riots.

Saudi Arabia sends oil.

Other Latin American countries send supplies.

The European community (except France) sends food and money.

The United States, not to be outdone, sends three million replacement Mexicans.

God Bless America.

(Works for me. Were I processing the “aid” request, I’d also empty a few prisons and send second and third generation welfare families… )

As I said, this is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven