Sunday Thoughts: the Voice of Truth

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6, NKJV)

Jesus is the Truth incarnate; you can trust Him and know that He will never lie to you.

However, so many things in our lives lie to us, and we listen to them closely. Advertisements say we need products x, y, or z to make us “happy.” Movies and TV tell us that to be physically imperfect is somehow shameful. Newspapers tell us that the world is a terrible, horrible place. Doctors tell us that it’s OK to kill a pre-born baby because it might have some disease or deformity. Our family and friends tell us that we’re worthless or truly extraordinary, too fat or too thin, too good or too bad, too smart or too dumb… On and on and on.

So who do we believe?

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What’s a Vegan Good For?

Here’s your answer:

Vegan-Fed Hens

[CLICK on the pic to see a larger (though not necessarily better–used a cheesy lil digicam) view.]

Package reads, “Vegetarian-Fed Hens”. I just wonder where they got the vegetarians to feed to the hens…

Pondering the question at Stuck on Stupid, Adam’s Blog, the obscene–no! almost blasphemous!– post at Lil Duck Duck, “How to Give Up Caffeine” (yeh, drop the pop, but switch to coffee, dudette! :-)), Blue Star Chronicles, and 7 Deadly Sins.