Guard the Borders: The Pernicious Myth of Reconquistas

I was about to put fingers to keyboard and flesh out some thoughts I had last night about borders, sovereignty, a government’s responsibility to its citizens, etc., but then today’s mailbox revealed a post submitted for the blogburst by LomaAlta (Linknzona), with a forward by Heidi (Euphoric Reality). For those of y’all who’ve missed my comments about Linknzona before, let me repeat: THE must-read of the blogosphere on border issues. Read his article below, then visit the site and read ALL his posts on the issues surrounding control of our borders.

Foreword by Heidi at Euphoric Reality

From Spanish-speaking illegal workers, to angry tenured professors and arrogant politicians, we are hearing more and more tenets and demands from a movement called Reconquista. The movement, once dismissed as extreme racist rhetoric, has rapidly gained traction and momentum among millions of ill-educated illegal aliens and well-established Mexicans alike. Reconquista gives voice to the angry demands of present-day Mexicans who mistakenly think they have indigenous rights to the land of the Southwestern United States – which they claim was “stolen” by an imperialist American government. The centerpiece of their agenda is the mythical Aztlan

(Read the rest of Heidi’s foreword here

Clearing Up A Misconception About Reconquista
by Loma Alta


Spain conquered what was to become modern Mexico and part of the southwestern United States in 1521. Spanish rule lasted 300 years until 1821 when Mexico gained independence. Mexico ruled what is now part of the southwestern United States for a very, very short time. Mexico ruled Texas from 1821 until 1836, some 16 years. Mexico ruled California from 1821 until 1846, 26 years. Mexico ruled most of New Mexico from 1821 until 1848, 28 years, and the southern most portions of Arizona and New Mexico until purchased by the United States in 1853, 33 years. The United States began ownership of these territories in 1845 (Texas), 1846 (California), and 1848-1853 (New Mexico and Arizona). Thus the United States has owned this land since 1845-1853, 153-162 years.

The ownership has thus been: Spanish 1521-1821 or 300 years; Mexican 1821-36 to 1853 or 16 to 33 years; and American 1845-1853 or 154 to 162 years. Almost all development and modernization came under United States ownership. Please see Spain, Mexico, Texas, California, and New Mexico-Arizona for more details.

Comparison of Ownership Time and Development.

Spain owned the area for 300 years and operated it as a colony. The central area, and most developed part was around Mexico City with much of the current southwestern United States being the frontier, relatively undeveloped, and subject to Indian raids and predations. The situation was much the same in the very, very short period, 16-33 years, of Mexican ownership. With the United States ownership, 154 to 162 years, beginning as territories, exploration and development proceeded rapidly and modern civilization came with, or shortly after, statehood.

The Absurdity of Reconquista.

Whether by time of ownership or degree of development and civilization, Mexico had virtually no temporal or civil weight of authority in the southwestern United States. Mexico never really established military or civil control over the area and it was never really a normal part of Mexico, but was always the frontier with vast expanses of nearly unexplored and lightly inhabited regions far from Mexican rule and authority. So tenuous, unpopular, and corrupt was Mexico’s presence and claim to the areas, and the Mexican government so hated by American and Mexican pioneers alike, that it only lasted from 16 to 33 years.

Thus, Reconquista is another myth, promulgated for racist reasons (it is the spawn of Mexican supremacist groups such as La Raza – literally “the Race”) much as the Germans’ “Lebensraum”, or living space, was for the master race. And, Reconquista is equally racist and equally the deranged product of irrational hate groups.

Therefore, we can dismiss the concept of “Reconquista” as a racist, hate group concept that has no place in America, or in any other just and tolerant society or country. There is no need to give any credence whatsoever to the false and meritless claims of any moral attachment to territory by radical, racist groups. They are as phony as last year’s bird’s nest.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

One Reply to “Guard the Borders: The Pernicious Myth of Reconquistas

  1. The following is a voting comment from Nealz Nuze at ( ).

    Monday — June 5, 2006

    I’ve been telling you for weeks that the driving motivation behind Democrats’ refusal to back any plan to seal our borders against the invaders form Mexico was tied to one thing … votes. The Democrats see the gate-crashers as an almost inexhaustible source of new votes for Democratic candidates. They’re not citizens, you say? True enough, but since when has that meant anything to the left and to Democrats when it comes to pushing their “everybody in the pool” attitude on voting? Do you remember the 1996 elections in California? Orange County Republican Bob Dornan was running against Loretta Sanchez. This was quite an interesting election. Miss Loretta had tried several times to run for office under her married name of Loretta Brixley. Didn’t work. Then, an epiphany! Why not revert to her maiden name of Sanchez? There are tens of thousands of Hispanics in the district, and though many of them are illegal, being the informed and knowledgeable voters that they are, they would certainly respond better to the Sanchez name than to the Brixley name. So … change her name she did, and win she did … on the strength of thousands of votes from unregistered Latino voters. The Republicans, recognizing that some pretty massive voting fraud had taken place, immediately started an investigation. The Democrats, just two years from having lost control of the House, immediately started screaming racism. The tactic worked, the investigation into rampant illegal voting was dropped, and Sanchez remains in the House of Representatives

    Well … it certainly looks like we’re set for a repeat of 1996 in California, just a bit further South. In San Diego we have a Democrat named Francine Busby who is a candidate for the vacated seat of disgraced Republican Randy “Duke” Cunningham. In a nutshell, Busby is telling Latinos that they don’t need to be here legally to vote. Here’s what happened at this campaign appearance. A man stood up in the back of the room and said “I want to help, but I don’t have papers.” Now this was a blatant admission by this man that he was in this country illegally. Let’s pause for a moment and think about just how bad things are when someone who has broken the law by entering this country illegally can actually feel free to go to a political rally and announce that fact! Not only announce it, but then express a desire to help Democrat candidate in an election! And why help the Democrat? Because the Democrats are the party of amnesty, that’s why! But, we’re getting away from Francine Busby here. What did Francine Busby say to this illegal? She said “Everybody can help, yeah, absolutely, you all can help. You don’t need papers for voting. You don’t need to be a registered voter to help.”

    What? You don’t need papers for voting? What kind of papers? Well .. papers that show you’re in this country legally! This was nothing less than a bold, blatant invitation to every illegal alien and non-citizen living in this particular congressional district to go the polls and put this wonderful Democrat, Francine Busby, into office.

    You must know that as soon as a recording of Busby’s remarks hit the local talk shows she started backtracking — big time. Now we’re getting the “I misspoke” nonsense from her campaign. Busby’s Republican opponent, Brian Billbray (why, by the way, has a strong anti-illegal immigration stance) said it best when he said that at worst, Busby was encouraging illegals to vote, and at best, she was encouraging people in this country illegally to work actively on her political campaign.

    Now all of you know that I try to avoid clich?s like the plague. But you really need to connect the dots on this one. Part of the Democrat game plan for returning to power in Washington is to make it as easy for the growing number of Hispanic non-citizens, both those who are here legally and those who are here illegally, to vote in all elections. Francine Busby’s statement, retractions notwithstanding, was just another dot for you to connect. Want some more? Try these:

    Across the country Democrat activists are starting to push the idea of allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections.
    Whenever any evil Republican comes up with the idea of making people show a picture ID to vote, or to register to vote, or when it is suggested that people should have to do something to prove their citizenship in order to register or vote, the Democrats are the first to howl like stuck pigs.
    If fraud involving Latino voters is suspected, and someone suggests an investigation, Democrats will counter with charges of racism.
    Democrats are in the lead when it comes to promoting some sort of immigration “reform” that will allow the 11 million illegals we currently have in this country to stay.
    Do you have to be whacked around like a pi?ata to see what’s going on here? Democrats have adopted a “whatever it takes” philosophy when it comes to regaining their power inside the Beltway. If it takes allowing anyone who can get to a voting booth to cast a vote, regardless of trivial matters like citizenship … no problem! Just don’t be stupid enough to announce it at an election rally.

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