Write-your-own TWC Post today/Open Trackbacks

Yep. Monday’s Open Post. Consider it a “write-your-own third world county post” OK? Just link to this post and track back.

More later. I’m busy exploring Vimeo. There are some awefully creative folks posting short clips there. Fun time-waster. Back later. 🙂

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

15 Replies to “Write-your-own TWC Post today/Open Trackbacks”

  1. Pingback: The Dumb Ox
  2. Pingback: Right Truth
  3. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  4. Pingback: Random Yak
  5. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  6. Pingback: Right Truth
  7. Pingback: Freedom Watch

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