Stop the ACLU

This Stop the ACLU Blogburst guest post is from John Stephenson at Stop the ACLU.


The above banner and slogan is quite deceptive and an utter joke to those that are truly aware of the ACLU’s workings. Just in the past week the ACLU has launched a massive campaign against the NSA’s efforts to trace terrorist phone calls into the U.S. This campaign with full page ads has even been denounced by media that usually defend the ACLU as completely lacking in context. In just the last few days the ACLU has pounced at the chance to bash America, applauding the decision of an EU Court that struck down an anti-terrorism agreement that allows the European Union and the U.S. to share information on airline passengers. And in the same day the ACLU of Florida came out against a new law that restricts colleges and universities from using state funds for travel to countries classified as terrorist states by the U.S. government.

The ACLU consistently allign themselves with groups like CAIR, and other organizations that have known terrorist ties. They have turned down donations from some of their most generous donors because of anti-terrorism stipulations. They can always be seen defending our enemies. It is no wonder that they fight to exempt lawyers from anti-terror supporting oaths.

A while back, my friend Kathy wrote about how deceptive this banner is, and it still applies today.

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