“Meet my lil friend…”

Whaddya wanna bet this guy’s flag says, “Don’t tread on me”?

Gadsden Flag

CLICK for larger image

2nd Amendment advocate? Ya think? (Ya know the Framers saw the 2nd Amendment as a check on oppressiver government, of course… That means, ya know, that I want my own Abrams M1 and an MLSRS… or three. *heh*)

Now, pop quiz: how does this post fit in with my stated theme for the week?

Shootin’ off… my mouth at Diane’s Stuff

(BTW, I have no provenence for the lil vidclip. Was sent me in email and sender’s not sure of its provenence, either.)

Carnival of Vanities

This is a first for twc—playing in the Carnival of Vanities. Oh, it’s not that I’m not vain enough to have entered a post before (alla the mirrors cracked as I glance at them in p-assing could attest to that), it’s just that no one asked so nicely before now. :-). Mama Duck has the Carnival of Vanities up at Lil Duck Duck, along with My Open Letter to Instapundit (is that guy still around? :-)).

Just a little blip saying “Carnival of the Vanities is up” will do, I’m not asking for anything fancy…..



Fair Tax/Open Post

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance open trackback post. Link to this post and track back. but for heaven’s sake, take time to READ the thing! Your children and grandchildren will bless you. Seriously.

In today’s Fair tax blogburst, Terry Dillard knocks down some of the anti-Fair Tax boogeymen–the scary arguments some trot out without giving them much thought. Well, Terry deals these boogeymen some mortal blows with just a little thought.

by TD of The Right Track

With any proposal, sooner or later the naysayers start their doom-and-gloom predictions. The FairTax proposal is no exception. There are those out there whining and crying about how “it won’t really work that way”, despite the fact that the current income tax system isn’t working the way it’s supposed to work. I suppose their fear is exchanging the devil they know for the devil they don’t know. In this article, I’ll highlight some of their worries and attempt to dispel them.

A national sales tax will create a huge black market.

Among all the arguments to be made against the FairTax, perhaps this one holds the least water. Arguments are made that this “black market” will spring up, with people “illegally trading DVDs, cigarettes, canned foods” yada yada yada. OK, illegally trading? What’s illegal today about trading those items? Nothing! So what’s the problem?

“They’ll be avoiding the tax!”

And that’s bad, why? My wife buys romance novels at a used book store now. She’d be avoiding the tax, too. She’s also reading books that everyone else read weeks or months ago. I say, “Come on, black market!” Only the market won’t be black. It can be right in a store front, advertising used books, consignment shops for clothes, furniture, camping equipment, you name it! A whole new type of business will emerge! That will be great for the economy, right? Right!

Continue reading “Fair Tax/Open Post”