Not Enough Coffee

Or, Early (?) Oldtimers’ Disease Part X

So, I had been walking around looking for a (normail format paperback) book for maybe half an hour. I knew I’d had it in my hands earlier but had no idea where I had put it down.

Took a break. Sharpened a machete and cut down a volunteer elm that had sprung up, hidden within my (good) neighbor’s hedge (which I have kept trimmed for her for the past eleven years, cos it’s an older lady who just doesn’t have that in her yard care repertoire). Back inside, looked for the book some more.

Found it in my hip pocket.

Not enough coffee today. Nope. Not enough at all, at all.

What is a day?/OTA Weekend

This is an Open Trackback alliance post, all weekend long. Link to this post and track back. More below.

For those of y’all intrigued or puzzled by the question in the post title, don’t expect an overly cryptic or philosophical post. For those of y’all who already think you know what a day is, you’re welcome to read on, cos you’re probably wrong.

Most folks think a day is some arbitrary 24-hour period of time as designated by some anal, obsessive-compulsive dude who looked at the Sun, saw it “come up” in the morning, “go down” in the evening and thought, “Wow! A day has passed! I just have to create a calendar and keep track of these things!”

*feh* Slacker. Anal, obsessive compulsive slacker, but slacker nonetheless.

A day is really that period of time between extended periods of uninterrupted sleep. If it’s 16 hours or 72 hours long: that’s your day, folks.

Slackers, now, real slackers, just walk around asleep alla time, so they don’t really have days…

As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

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