Plus Ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose

Dealing with hard times. If the engineered onset of depression our current “feddle gummint” has managed to effect continues (and accomplishes its apparent goals *sigh*), then perhaps more folks will learn this ancient wisdom:

“In the house of a wise man are stores of food, wine, and oil, but the foolish man devours all he has.” — Proverbs 21:20

Yes, I’m Back… Sorta

Since our PDG (Pretty Darned Good :-)) deal on our fridge (38% off a price that was already nearly 12% lower than MSRP), we’ve decided to keep an eye on large appliance prices just for kicks, and we’ve noticed something interesting.

In an economy where inflation is a fact of life and the dollar is worth less and less every day, both because of price inflation in general and because of the Fed’s devaluation of the dollar via flooding the economy with paper money coming off the presses far faster than the economy justifies, we’ve noticed something interesting: in general, prices are falling at the retail end on many major appliances from most manufacturers.

Why? I can only surmise at this point that the fact that consumer purchasing is way down is seriously impacting cash flow at these companies. They apparently feel they cannot absorb the costs of warehousing excessive inventory.

Expect more fall-off in manufacturing, leading to more layoffs and lower consumer purchasing, leading to… etc.

Unless the grossly obese “feddle gummint” chimp riding the economy’s back is forcibly removed (and put on a stringent diet), this cycle will likely continue.

Get yours (whatever that is) while the getting’s good. Just sayin’.

Link 1

Link 2

Go ahead. Do your own searches for “Emergency Preparedness,” “Survival,” etc. Then, if you’ve not already taken steps to increase your chances of pulling through Obama’s Great Depression of 2012, get moving on it. Now.

Turning My Crank

This churns my butter in several different ways,

Halperin’s MSNBC suspension latest example of White House press tampering

The Zero’s thin skin is sadly laughable. He gets an easy ride, a sweet deal, a pass on all his gaffe, blunders, lies, equivocations, and outright illegal acts from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, for the most (99%) part. But when some uppity ‘porter slips off the plantation for a comment or two, Katie bar the door! All ahead, guns blazing! Whip out another Big Lie and trumpet it from the mountaintops!

The article lists seven (of many) cases where The Zero or one of his surrogates have attempted to directly accuse people in “alternative media” (not completely collectivized into the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind) of false reporting, and making such accusations in a public forum, then says “Bush did it too,” citing ONE case where Ed Gillespie wrote a letter (a private communication that the receiver chose to make public) to NBC refuting specific points in its coverage of Middle Eastern foreign policy.

You see, apparently to The Daily Caller, there’s a moral equivalence between multiple cases of disingenuous public propaganda and one case of private communication of reasoned arguments and facts. THAT’S called “reporting” in the Hivemind… Even when some things that are true get said, they MUST get “balanced” with disingenuity.