Summer Projects

Well, it seemed like it was time for another minor kitchen facelift. Nothing major, but with the nice stainless steel (inside and out) Bosch dishwasher last year and the stainless steel monster fridge this year, the cabinets and counter top were looking a bit tired by comparison, so…

So far:

Counter top sanded down and preliminary prep for a Giani faux granite finish done. But before doing that,

A fresh paint job on the cabinets–1/2 done, now–high, high gloss white with new chrome hardware to please my Wonder Woman. 🙂

Also before the Giani stuff, some small stuff: new light fixture, some wiring (before, because some of the wiring will actually affect the counter top), a few small structural and cosmetic additions and changes (like some plastering/replastering and repainting of some areas of the walls)–nothing big.

And after the counter top is finished, then I can finish up the stove area: sheet, brushed stainless steel backsplash and some stainless steel paint for the oven door–from the same company as the counter top paint.

Yeh, yeh, I know: paint a countertop?!? This will be my second time. The last was 12 years ago, and it lasted well. In fact, I’ve only been able to sand it down not even off (a really good epoxy paint). Besides, it’s not like I, Mr. Tightwad, would actually buy a granite counter top!

Hmmm, now that I think of it, just about the only things that aren’t getting changed in the kitchen are the ceiling and the floor… I ought to reconsider that. Maybe get rid of the nasty “popcornish” ceiling and plaster/paint it…

Oh, forgot. Doing the faux granite to approximate a match to some marble tiles I picked up that are going to make the counter backsplash. And yeh, I’m not removing the tile that’s there. Got some spacers to allow me to tile over the current bqacksplash and reinstall the electrical outlets, have an adhesive that’ll let me adhere the marble to the ceramic. I’m all set there. Again: cheap and less work. (Have you ever removed ceramic tile? Messy, PITA and all the backing has to be replaced before putting anything else up. Not doing that again. Just not.)

*sigh* Also neglected to mention that the peninsula I added to the kitchen about thirteen years ago (20″X40″, hardwood top, 2 large drawers, cutting board drawer, pot rack above) has gotten a renewal as well with a fresh sanding of the top followed by a pickling treatment. Not going to do the same with the kitchen island, though I may change the cabinet to the white the rest of the kitchen cabinets have gone to.

Dog Bites Man Redux

*yawn* Old, old news in new clothing. The subject line? “AP flunks science”. So? What else is new? Don Surber quotes the Associated Press:

NEW YORK (AP) — The extreme heat that’s been roasting the eastern U.S. is only expected to get worse, and residents are bracing themselves for temperatures near and above boiling point. [emphasis added]

Wow! That’s some heat wave! Temps near or above 212°F? 100°F would be boiling point for such highly flammable chemicals as acetaldehyde, but “boiling point” in normal parlance refers to the boiling point of water at standard pressure, 212°F.

But what can you expect from one of the chief Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind mouthpieces of The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism? Ordinary knowledge of common science? Nah. Never. Ain’t a-gonna happen on the AP’s watch!


What Do Barack Obama and Anders Breivik Have in Common?

It seems the P-resident of the (dys)United States and the Norwegian shooter have some substantial things in common:

  • They both apparently claim to be “Christian” (at least for values of “Christian” that the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind recognizes as valid) and
  • They both espouse the values of the Loony Left; The Zero those of the leftist bomb team of Ayers and Dorhn, Breivik those of the equally leftist Unabomber.

Of course, The Zero and Breivik apparently have another thing in common. Since they both reportedly claim to be “Christians” but have behaved in ways that openly, blatantly, flamboyantly contradict the teachings of Christ, then they are both also liars.

Yeh, yeh, I know the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind insists on calling Breivik a “right-winger” but anyone who has one of the Hivemind’s favorite left wingnuts as the PRIMARY source for his own “manifesto” is no right-wing anything, and the fact that that Hivemind insists on the lie says more about the Hivemind than about Breivik.