Plus Ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose

Dealing with hard times. If the engineered onset of depression our current “feddle gummint” has managed to effect continues (and accomplishes its apparent goals *sigh*), then perhaps more folks will learn this ancient wisdom:

“In the house of a wise man are stores of food, wine, and oil, but the foolish man devours all he has.” — Proverbs 21:20

4 Replies to “Plus Ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose”

    1. Oh course it’s always been good advice, TF. Heck, it’s been around for about 3,000 years. It’s also been largely ignored for the same length of time, eh?

  1. My beloved Chia Pet has been attempting to save in every possible way that he can, as he is paranoid that the American dollar won’t be worth sqaut soon with curent inflation.

    However, our stores include enough guns and ammuntion for Zombie Invasion Day…

    1. “…our stores include enough guns and ammuntion for Zombie Invasion Day…”

      If Congress were to invade (any more intrusively, that is ;-)), I dunno if ANY numbers of guns or amount of ammunition will be satisfying enough. *heh* (That IS what you meant by “Zombie Invasion Day” isn’t it?)

      BTW, it’s not just the inflation of prices or the “feddle gummint” engineered depression but the deliberate devaluation of the dollar (designed to exacerbate inflation and further impoverish citizens) to boot that chaps my gizzard.

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