Yes, I’m Back… Sorta

Since our PDG (Pretty Darned Good :-)) deal on our fridge (38% off a price that was already nearly 12% lower than MSRP), we’ve decided to keep an eye on large appliance prices just for kicks, and we’ve noticed something interesting.

In an economy where inflation is a fact of life and the dollar is worth less and less every day, both because of price inflation in general and because of the Fed’s devaluation of the dollar via flooding the economy with paper money coming off the presses far faster than the economy justifies, we’ve noticed something interesting: in general, prices are falling at the retail end on many major appliances from most manufacturers.

Why? I can only surmise at this point that the fact that consumer purchasing is way down is seriously impacting cash flow at these companies. They apparently feel they cannot absorb the costs of warehousing excessive inventory.

Expect more fall-off in manufacturing, leading to more layoffs and lower consumer purchasing, leading to… etc.

Unless the grossly obese “feddle gummint” chimp riding the economy’s back is forcibly removed (and put on a stringent diet), this cycle will likely continue.

Get yours (whatever that is) while the getting’s good. Just sayin’.

Link 1

Link 2

Go ahead. Do your own searches for “Emergency Preparedness,” “Survival,” etc. Then, if you’ve not already taken steps to increase your chances of pulling through Obama’s Great Depression of 2012, get moving on it. Now.

4 Replies to “Yes, I’m Back… Sorta”

  1. The quickest way to get ‘money’ flowing into User coffers is to ‘devalue” the “US ..a .. er, A” dollar.

    Hey. the Ausie dollar is now worth somewhere in the region of US$1.70 .. BUY Yankee!!!!

    1. Yep, Davo, it’s a really great way for politicians to repay citizens: crap all over the economy, encourage unemployment and stagnant manufacturing (ensuring even more unemployment), all the while making it certain that what money they can come up with to live on is worth less, making sure that their grocery bill will be higher every month, for example.


  2. .. and yes, quibble if you must .. but it ‘was’ under the administation of George W. Bush when the graphs of the American debt/equity began to plummet.

    Your current President was handed a ‘poisoned chalice’.

    1. I’m not all that well informed as to Australian politics and current events (although I did correspond a few years ago with John Howard–he writes a good letter), so I don’t comment often on Australian politics. Your ignorance of the causes of the US economic woes indicate that you ought to follow that model, Davo. ALL the mortgage and bank and economic woes leading to the current economic situation are th result of DEMOCRATIC party policies over the course of 30 years that became entrenched as growing bureaucracies (run almost entirely by Dhimmicrappic plants) that were only partially reigned in from time to time by Republican administrations and Congresses. Every time a Republican attempted to actually monitor such programs, they were screamed down by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and Dhimmicrappic politicians (just arms of the same apparatus) as being heartless, preying on poor folks, etc.

      Take for example Fannie Mae and the policies it administered concerning mortgages–especially the policies REQUIRING banks to issue mortgage loans to people who COULD NOT PAY THEM BACK. Run by Dhimmicrappic cronies, protected from oversight or control by Congressional Dhimmicraps and their partners in crime in the Hivemind. For example, when the GWBUsh administration warned in 2007 that Fannie Mae was mismanaged and the loans it was guaranteeing were dangerous, etc., it was brushed off by Barney Frank, Frank Dodd and his fellow criminals in Congress–INCLUDING BARRY SOETORO, A.K.A., Barrack Hussein “Obama” (who, BTW, was the #2 recipient of payoffs in Congress, after Dodd–who had several decades longer to amass his payoffs–disguised as “campaign contributions” from… Fannie Mae). Earlier warnings and calls for oversight and improved management even of just that one program were also brushed off.

      It seems you have been listening ONLY to the lies promulgated by those who were the actual authors of the calamity, rather than going out and doing your own homework before making your pronouncement, Davo. May I suggest you look for some facts instead of disingenous propaganda?

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