Lessons from Mao

Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” killed millions, destroyed China’s economy and took millions more back to bare subsistence living. So, it’s no wonder…


What a Difference Location Makes

Quite apart from the asininity of determining a global temperature in tenth of a degree (Celsius) increments, the variability of recording/reporting stations has never been dealt with in any rational or convincing way by cultists from the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism.

Let me take just one data point as an example. We have two relatively credible temperature reporting stations located within roughly 1,000 feet of each other, here in the lil burg where America’s Third World County Central is located. Early this morning, one reporting station reported a low temp of 79oF (just a smidge over 26oC). The other reported 84oF (nearly 29oC).

Now, you go figure how many radical differences like that are not resolved in favor of the lower number by cultists from the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism, ‘K?