Everyone’s a Criminal

…except, of course, those who get to decide who to persecute. No, I did not mean to say “prosecute”. I really did mean to say “persecute”.

It’s called anarcho-tyrany. “Anarcho” because of the anarchy encouraged by ignoring REAL criminals (because, well, it’s both hard and dangerous to deal with them) and “tyranny” for obvious reasons, like for example, it’s MUCH easier to slap a kindergärtner into handcuffs and sling ‘em into the back of a patrol car for drawing a picture of a gun, because the kid can’t fight back (and the “crime” the kid committed goes into the stats and “justifies” the SWAT team that was called out to deal with him).

By criminalizing common behavior by ordinary citizens, politicians *gag-spew* and bureaucraps can expand their power without end, as long as citizens are compliant in allowing themselves to be made subjects of an all-powerful government and the bureaucraps who really rule its subjects.

Nah. Let’s just fugettaboutit. Let the Feds barbecue all the innocent kids they want, Waco-style while giving real criminals and congresscritters (but I repeat myself) and such like free rein.

Graphic lifted from Hookers and Booze.